Controversial opinions on metal

Regarding Slayer: I'm not taking anything away from Reign in Blood, but after having heard it five million times in nearly two decades I'm getting a little tired of it. But Show No Mercy still fucking slays. And I think it's because I just have a fetish for early 80s speed metal. Anyone else?
Show No Mercy is a badass debut, no doubt about it.
Show No Mercy is a badass debut, no doubt about it.
I'm coming to the conclusion that raw early/mid-80s heavy metal/power metal/thrash is superior to more well-written late-80s thrash. The energy of the former just keeps me coming back more than the accomplishments of the latter.
the appeal of REIGN IN BLOOD is closer to death metal really. it's coiled and cold and menacing, not the straight up burst of energy and brutality casuals sometimes paint it as.
I think I just prefer that burst of energy. I also prefer that energy of Haunting the Chapel, and the more relatively refined but atmospheric and deranged Hell Awaits.

Honestly I think I'm finally making the decision that I like that style of metal over Reign in Blood, since I've been going back and forth between early and later Slayer for years, and the deciding factor seems to be atmosphere. I love Reign in Blood, but Rick Rubin really did take a lot of the darkness from Slayer with his more sonically powerful production, and Slayer definitely ran with that sound afterward. Even after Reign in Blood, my favorite tracks are the more atmospheric ones, like "Spill the Blood" and "Seasons in the Abyss".
You probably shouldn't listen to anything so many times you begin to hate it.
It's not a hate thing. I mean I still shit myself over "Angel of Death", "Raining Blood", "Post-Mortem", and a few other tracks, but some of the lesser tracks are wearing thin. A bit at least.
I agree. I just find myself coming back to the first two and Haunting the Chapel more these days.
It's a great cover.
