Approximately Infinite Universe
Metal bands that dress like fags = metal bands with fashion that threatens fuccboi's sexuality.
I'll admit to really liking the title track to Generation Swine but I have a hard time remembering anything else off that album. I've heard say New Tattoo isn't half-bad, never heard anything off that album though. The one or two songs I've heard from Saints of Los Angeles sounded like they were covering themselves. Not necessarily a bad thing mind you, just what my ears perceived.I love them up until after Kickstart My Heart, they killed it for me with the shit they tossed out in the 90's, and they never really came back from it.
Techbarb is likely uphill gardening in the closet.
It's funny, because, rooted in gay S&M culture or not, it's one of the most clinically badass clothing styles ever.![]()
@TechnicalBarbarity The frontman to one of the most legendary and influential metal acts of all time was a gay man who wore tight spiked leather outfits and brandished a whip/riding crop either on or off the stage. He also had quite the penchant for eyeliner as well. So, please...remove your head from the cavernous depths of your ass.
I'm not so sure about that one.Motley Crüe got more dick than i ever did
@TechnicalBarbarity The frontman to one of the most legendary and influential metal acts of all time was a gay man who wore tight spiked leather outfits and brandished a whip/riding crop either on or off the stage. He also had quite the penchant for eyeliner as well. So, please...remove your head from the cavernous depths of your ass.
I feel sorry for all the new guys here reading your nonsense and getting a fucking misguided and warped idea of what metal is.
What makes you think I want your sympathy?... you're one of the guys i feel sorry.
Your self-righteous condescension is the only truly pitiable thing here.... you're one of the guys i feel sorry.
Keep snarking it up, I'll keep laughing at your lack of authentic repudiation.
Sooooo similar, right? Like a mirror image of each otherfucking imbeciles