Controversial opinions on metal

#1 because all you do is try to fit in with the pathetic "in-crowd" here. You like what they like, and don't like what they dont. Like i said, i can smell it off you babe. P-O-S-E-R-
How does he try to fit in with the in-crowd? The guy finds varied taste to be a good thing so this entire premise is quite dumb, if you ask me.
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if you ask me.
... but i didn't ask you, did i?

Let's not forget the general madness that followed them and a few others around. The Dirt barely even begins to detail their nuttiest and ballsiest escapades. These dudes knowingly ganked the girls off Yakuza gangsters in Japan, bedded them, and got away with it, and also violently mouthed off to the Japanese authorities. And that's just two instances from one tour leg in Japan.
Motley Crue didn't become iffy until Theatre of Pain when they started aping the bands that they themselves influenced. And even still, they followed that up with Girls, Girls, Girls which is a pretty damn strong album. Pure decadence, that one.
I love them up until after Kickstart My Heart, they killed it for me with the shit they tossed out in the 90's, and they never really came back from it.
Don't worry he'll ragequit soon because the in-crowd (aka anybody who disagrees with him aka the whole forum) are just out to get him. He's the last true metalhead alive.

Jean Claude Damn Fag will kick your ass if you like metal bands that dress like fags.
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