You stupid piece of shit, why would you bring up Angel Witch's 1985 sophomore when we're specifically talking about Motley Crüe's very earliest material. Fucking autisticunt. Compare albums that are closer together by age, fucking hell logic 101.
glam is definitely pussified. That's one of its defining aspect of the genre. They dressed up like women, sing about love/sex/dancing etc and cant play for shit. And sadly, i come from the home of those sunset strip queens
Lol, im still having a good laugh at you somehow bringing bowie into this conversation. amazing
Bitch calm the fuck down, if you were in front of me right now i'd slap your fucking teeth right out of your mouth for exploding like that.
Good job delegitimatising yourself even more than usual tough guy.
LMAO! YOU are the last person here who should use that word, Mr. try hard. You clearly started listening to metal just a few years ago but yet here you are everyday trying to pass yourself off as some kind of uber-undergound metal guy by posting random albums every half hour or so. You're a lame, i can smell it off you from all the way over here. You're the biggest poser here, by far.
#1 because all you do is try to fit in with the pathetic "in-crowd" here. You like what they like, and don't like what they dont. Like i said, i can smell it off you babe. P-O-S-E-R-
#2 because you like throwing yourself in every single fucking argument, especially ones i'm involved in.
I fail to see how what they were in the game for bars them from being a metal band. Plenty of bands are in it for payola, fame, and girls, doesn't change the genre of the songs they write and compose.I always saw motley crue as the quintessential sex, drugs and rock n roll band. In it strictly for the money and pussy. That to me is what separated them from being considered metal.
Twisted sister was their uglier cousin that wrote better songs.