Controversial opinions on metal

iirc TechBarb is in his mid 30s or so anyways, which means he was probably eating Play-Doh when Motley Crue released Shout at the Devil.

Yeah im in my 30's, but i wasnt even born when that album came out. Doesn't change the fact that no one referred to motley crue as a heavy metal band when I was growing up. You know why? Because they clearly are not metal(waiting for one of you twats to post another hard rock track from them). Like i said, you delusional bastards have been pigeonholing your favorite crappy hard rock and glam bands with/as metal. That's just not how it works.
Controversial opinion: speed metal only really became a sub-genre during the retro-era. Before that, there was hardly a speed metal album in existence, and certainly not in America (the German proto-power stuff is borderline). Speed metal is better defined as couple very particular kinds of songs, which most heavy metal bands of the 80s wrote at least a few of.

It's a sub-genre as much as 'epic metal' is. Most bands wrote epic metal songs and speed(y) metal songs, but there's little meaning in trying to define a sub-genre by either.

Not really a controversy. I agree with most of this
Yeah im in my 30's, but i wasnt even born when that album came out. Doesn't change the fact that no one referred to motley crue as a heavy metal band when I was growing up. You know why? Because they clearly are not metal(waiting for one of you twats to post another hard rock track from them). Like i said, you delusional bastards have been pigeonholing your favorite crappy hard rock and glam bands with/as metal. That's just not how it works.
All you've provided is hollow and incessant denial of them being metal, your sole attempt at substantiation of these denials being "Well no one called them that when I was growing up", and I shouldn't even have to begin to explain how little water that holds.
Are you kidding me, Kara? What you got form my post was they're not metal because no said they're metal? I was just reminding some of you retards how things were, that's all. Linking one or two heavy songs from a hard rock band means they're metal? :lol: What the fuck do i need to prove? Do you think i havent heard them or something? You know how i can tell those are hard rock albums? Because my ears work. Maybe taking off your gay glam fanboy goggles will help.

So you say you're 73 years old or whatever, but you cant seem to remember that nobody(including a shit-load of proper metal bands) considered glam to be metal? hmmmm ... i'm not so sure about you.
Are you kidding me, Kara? Linking one or two heavy songs from a hard rock band means they're metal? :lol: What the fuck do i need to prove? Do you think i havent heard them or something? You know how i can tell those are hard rock albums? Because my ears work. Maybe taking off your gay glam fanboy goggles will help.

So you say you're 73 years old or whatever, but you cant seem to remember that nobody(including a shit-load of proper metal bands) considered glam to be metal? hmmmm ... i'm not so sure about you.
You need to prove that it's hard rock you niggling twit, simply declaring something so doesn't make it such. The reason there was only select songs, is cause I shouldn't have to link half a band's discography to demonstrate a genre classification, if you want more, I've got more. The fact of the matter is, the scales, modes, and musical tropes used by Mötley Crüe and others fit the bill for traditional heavy metal with glam inflections, hence, glam metal. For the third time, age is immaterial here, I have made no claims on the basis of my age, as it is irrelevant to the debate at hand. Something as superficial as being of a certain age or being in a "proper metal band" does not answer the actual query, the sonic one.
Mötley Crüe are and most definitely were referred to as a heavy metal band.

100% wrong.

You need to prove that it's hard rock

I need to prove to you that a widely known hard rock band is actually a hard rock band? Bon jovi and poison were some killer metal bands too, right? :lol:

There is nothing heavy, or metal about them ... unlike the "large swathe of NWOBHM" bands you wanted to compare them too. They're clearly one of your favorite bands(sad) and i've ruffled some very fine feathers so im just going to drop this. But we both know you probably would have had a beer can thrown at your head in the late 80's and 90's if you showed up to a thrash or death metal show with a motley crue shirt on.
100% wrong.

I need to prove to you that a widely known hard rock band is actually a hard rock band? :lol:

There is nothing heavy, or metal about them ... unlike the "large swathe of NWOBHM" bands you wanted to compare them too. They're clearly one of your favorite bands(sad) and i've ruffled some very fine feathers so im just going to drop this. But we both know you probably would have had a beer can thrown at your head in the late 80's and 90's if you showed up to a thrash or death metal show with a motley crue shirt on
Tell me, does it say "Emphatic denial in absence of evidentiary substantiation" on your birth certificate, or is that just a favored nickname? I wore a Dokken shirt, leather jacket, denim jeans, and bullet belt to a Morbid Angel show once in '89, fist fought two guys.
I don't give a shit personally, if someone wants to physically attack me over my taste in metal, they'd best prepare for blood. I have worn Crüe, W.A.S.P. Twisted Sister, Dokken, even Ratt shirts to thrash and death shows, rarely has it gotten physical, but I've said a number of rather unflattering things to beergutted "TRVE" fags over the years in response to their verbal faggotry.
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I don't give a shit personally, if someone wants to physically attack me over my taste in metal,

not implying this at all, i would actually fuck that guy up too if he tried to physically harm someone for the way they look or the music they listen too. Clearly the beer can will be empty, so no harm there. Just a few laugh's at the gay glam boy, that's all

I have worn Crüe, W.A.S.P. Twisted Sister, Dokken, even Ratt shirts to thrash and death shows, rarely has it gotten physical, but I've said a number of rather unflattering things to beergutted "TRVE" fags over the years in response to their verbal faggotry.
yeah i dont think anyone gives a fuck right nowadays. But you know how different it was back then. The whole proper metal vs the LA faggotry that was going on. I remember that shit like it was yesterday. But let me be clear, not once have i seen anyone get psychically beaten up or whatever for having glam shirt's on.
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edit: a dokken shirt with a bullet belt? Hmmmm, a pink rhinestone belt along with some makeup and hairspray would have been more fitting ... no? So metal.
If you say so, fashion police. Tell me, of all genres, isn't it interesting that you're picking metal to critique, mission control to Apollo, metal in general has one of the most absurd fashion setups ever.

Bon Jovi and Poison were killer metal bands too, right? :lol:
Bon Jovi had a few metal tunes, but he was overwhelmingly hard rock, Poison scrape by as pop metal at best, but are surely almost entirely hard rock. Shitty hard rock at that.
Notice how they only made shirts of early Motley Crüe music, did Bon Jovi or Poison have a heavy metal early period? I have no idea myself, but they're clearly not the same as Motley Crüe or Twisted Sister, who yes did go on to make poppy rock music, but their early stuff is pretty fucking heavy.