Controversial opinions on metal

Notice how they only made shirts of early Motley Crüe music, did Bon Jovi or Poison have a heavy metal early period? I have no idea myself, but they're clearly not the same as Motley Crüe or Twisted Sister, who yes did go on to make poppy rock music, but their early stuff is pretty fucking heavy.
I just think of early Motley Crüe and early Twisted Sister as NWOAHM. :D

Sidenote, it's funny that TechBarb is highly susceptible to pop culture rivalries, he's ass over tit for the whole glam vs metal thing and the whole west coast rap vs east coast rap.

People that fall for all that stuff are trash.
It's funny the way you act as if glam is somehow pussified. Have you even read up on the shit that Crüe, W.A.S.P., and Sister used to get into?

glam is definitely pussified. That's one of the defining aspects of the genre. They dressed up like women, sang about love/sex/dancing etc and couldnt play for shit. And sadly, i come from the home of those sunset strip queens
As for lyricism, have you read the lyrics for any given album of Twisted Sister songs? Like A Knife In The Back? S.M.F.? Captain Howdy? Burn In Hell? Under The Blade? Live To Ride, Ride To Live? If those are pussy lyrics, then shit, better tell Sabbath how wussy almost everything Geezer ever wrote sounds.
Bowie? What the fuck are you talking about? Were talking about glam/hair bands, not the original artsy fartsy glam/glitter rock from the 70's. And yeah, fuck Bowie too tbh. trash imo.

Also, hair/glam "metal" are without a doubt 100% the same thing. I'm actually shocked that i had to type that out for you.

You forgot to answer my question. Which fuckin motley crue songs are as heavy as this ...
only tossers and wankers listen to glam/hair bands. A stone cold fact that has been in the books for a good while now. deal with it ...



@H.P. Lovecraft @Manic Ferocity @CASSETTEISGOD
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Lol, im still having a good laugh at you somehow bringing bowie into this conversation. amazing

Anyway, you're the first person i have ever met that thinks they're(hair and glam) not the same thing. You seem to have your own definitions of genres/subgenres, so no point in pushing this any further ....

I made the lines clearer than day, the mopey "Every Rose Has It's Thorn", will she, won't she tripe is hair, the sort of stuff in the video I linked is glam.
You stupid piece of shit, why would you bring up Angel Witch's 1985 sophomore when we're specifically talking about Motley Crüe's very earliest material. Fucking autisticunt. Compare albums that are closer together by age, fucking hell logic 101.
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You stupid piece of shit, why would you bring up Angel Witch's 1985 sophomore when we're specifically talking about Motley Crüe's very earliest material. Fucking autisticunt. Compare albums that are closer together by age, fucking hell logic 101.

Bitch calm the fuck down, if you were in front of me right now i'd slap your fucking teeth right out of your mouth for exploding like that.

He said "Motely Cure at their heaviest is comparable to Angel Witch". Do you not know how to fucking read? He was clearly talking about bands not albums you stupid fucking cunt. Also there's only a two year gap(not even) between shout at the devil and that Angel Witch album.