Controversial opinions on metal

What is this argument about? I had never heard real metal until I was 13, none of my family listened to it. Your family and upbringing have an effect on some of your choices but they can also have nothing to do with them.
Sure. But I come from a huge family so most of my cousins were a bit older than me and so I got into what they played.
That's kind of how i got started too. Had an older cousin who was leaving for the Marines and he let me borrow his tape collection until he came back.


i threw this bad boy into my trusty Sony transound, and the rest is history.
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wtf? :lol: no not metal, that's hard rock. from a shitty glam band.

i love how some people today are trying to pass all this garbage form the 80's(especially glam) off as metal, when not a single person referred to shit like that as metal when i was growing up.
Mötley Crüe are and most definitely were referred to as a heavy metal band. If Live Wire is hard rock, congrats, you've just disqualified a large swathe of NWOBHM from being heavy metal despite it clearly falling within the defined sonic bounds of heavy metal. Glam metal took the glam of the New York Dolls, T. Rex, and Bowie, the sneer of punk, and the metallicism of Judas Priest. The earliest bands being Crüe and possibly Twisted Sister.
i honestly dont care how old he claims he is. I'm just speaking the facts. And the more you guys say otherwise, the more i question whether you guys actually listened to metal growing up.

What im talking about... people referring to shitty glam bands as metal today, when on one considered them to be metal back then is not a new topic either. It's been a heated debate for a while now. You can even catch it in some metal documentaries.
People's considerations of them as "metal" or "not metal" are immaterial and moot anyhow, given stuff like this:

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wtf? :lol: no not metal, that's hard rock. from a shitty glam band.

i love how some people today are trying to pass all this garbage form the 80's(especially glam) off as metal, when not a single person referred to shit like that as metal when i was growing up.

Hey, nobody gives a shit about your life history, despite how technically barbaric it might be. You're such a hardass (fag).

Motley Crue's first two albums rule. Great for anyone who can appreciate a total emphasis on RIFFS that bridge between hard rock and heavy metal. Who gives a shit if they had pop sensibilities in mind? Get taste.
Motown was poppy and didn't write brainy lyrics guys, guess that negates it being some of the best harmonics based composing in human history.
I just don't understand the reliance on who did and didn't classify them as this or that. In 1980 the presses were still declaring Motörhead a hard or heavy rock band, but I'd like to know what in the blue fuck you'd call songs like The Hammer or Overkill's title track aside from speed metal.
Controversial opinion: speed metal only really became a sub-genre during the retro-era. Before that, there was hardly a speed metal album in existence, and certainly not in America (the German proto-power stuff is borderline). Speed metal is better defined as couple very particular kinds of songs, which most heavy metal bands of the 80s wrote at least a few of.

It's a sub-genre as much as 'epic metal' is. Most bands wrote epic metal songs and speed(y) metal songs, but there's little meaning in trying to define a sub-genre by either.
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Controversial opinion: speed metal only really became a sub-genre during the retro-era. Before that, there was hardly a speed metal album in existence, and certainly not in America (the German proto-power stuff is borderline). Speed metal is better defined as couple very particular kinds of songs, which most heavy metal bands of the 80s wrote at least a few of.

It's a sub-genre as much as 'epic metal' is. Most bands wrote epic metal songs and speed(y) metal songs, but there's little meaning in trying to define a sub-genre by either.

Define the retro-era?
The mid-2000s or so. I mean there are probably rare exceptions if you dig for them, there might be an ADX album out there that's 100% fast heavy metal with nothing resembling regular trad or power, but there's actually more speed metal around now in the form of all these speed/black 80s throwback bands and whatnot.
I mean speed metal definitely existed in the 80's. I haven't listened to much lately but the band Warhead comes to mind. Granted it wasn't a major genre like thrash but it was at least a minor genre if such a thing exists
Hey, nobody gives a shit about your life history, despite how technically barbaric it might be. You're such a hardass (fag).

Motley Crue's first two albums rule. Great for anyone who can appreciate a total emphasis on RIFFS that bridge between hard rock and heavy metal. Who gives a shit if they had pop sensibilities in mind? Get taste.

get English.


motely crue is musics for tossers such as yourself.
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