Controversial opinions on metal

perfect examples of "in-crowd" here would be yoda, krow, slayed necros etc. They've been on somewhat of a run since their supreme leader omni was chased away by our neighborhood fruitcake.

I'll bite. I've butted heads with Omni more than I ever agreed with her about anything. I mostly purposely don't respond to HBB because everything he says is meaningless trolling/trying to be funny.

I don't post here as much any more because this forum is pretty stale and no one wants to talk about new music. NWN is a much better place for news on releases, assuming you can sort through the swastikas and RAC.

I'm not really sure how I'm "in-crowd" because I listen to slam death metal, goregrind, fauxcult rock, stoner doom and sludge and plenty of other shit not underground approved (and hurr durr I said I liked a couple deathcore bands once) but again, it's meaningless because you're just sitting at the computer with a vein bulging trying to get a rise out of someone else to try and deflect how mad you are that someone beat you at an online game of chess.

Yoda is a borderline poser and Slayed Necros is more metal than any of us could ever pretend to be.

@CASSETTEISGOD and I have a similar love for garbage music and I respect that.
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"In-crowd" :lol::lol::lol: Still gets me every time. I've been called it. So you can tell the people using the term don't really know what they're talking about. I like DSBM, and Bodom's first three for fucks sake. :lol:

Pretty sure I've never called you in-crowd either, obviously doesn't fit you well.

Dodens and Omni are the king/queen of U-M's in-crowd, wainds is the high priest, Phylactery is the altar boy.
Give me your top 5 albums of the 80s and 90s for starters.
Hmm...hard to narrow down due to how interchangeably either lists would be for me but I'll give you some favorites.

1. Iron Maiden - Powerslave
2. Voivod - Nothingface
3. Coroner - Punishment for Decadence
4. Bathory - The Return...
5. Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus

1. Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
2. Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter
3. Opeth - My Arms Your Hearse
4. Anacrusis - Screams and Whispers
5. Solitude Aeturnus - Beyond the Crimson Horizon

Made a lot of exclusions. Which is why I hate making lists like this. :tickled:

Yeah, im not big on Pantera .. but would never make fun of someone for listening to them. It's heavy, its metal and its better than most of the music that the "general public" listen to nowadays. Its not like they're pussy glam/hair pop rock bullshit, right?


Just fuckin' with you, man :p
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If @Talos of Atmora is "in-crowd" why does he like Pantera?

I have more respect for people like Ozz ... who like what they like and dont give a fuck what others think.

"oh lets make fun of him because he listens to Pantera" Need i say more?

I get shit for plenty of things I listen to, how am I not basically the same as Ozz? I also don't care about what others think about my taste.

Just more proof that none of this makes any sense or has any objective definition. "In-crowd" seems to just mean, whoever is pissing off a select few UM users at that moment.

please do explain how i come across as a "tough-guy"? Is it because my posts got your panties all bunched up? Or is it because they instill fear in you? :lol:

You definitely do seem to want to come across as a tough guy. Just the other day you specifically told me you'd assault me for ripping on you. That's the literal definition on an internet tough guy dude.

Then when people point it out you attempt to emasculate them. That's another trait of an internet tough guy.

So, I'm not "in-crowd" but I'm a massive try-hard? What is it exactly I'm trying hard to be?

It's just the truth bro. You would have needed a new dental plan if you ever spoke to me like that(that particular eruption of a post) in person. I don't act any different on here than who i am in "real-life". Unlike you guys who take advantage of the fact that your sitting in buttfuckin who knows where behind a monitor\ ... which is one of the main reasons why i think most of you try-hard and in-crowd posers are fake as fuck. All i ask is you guys start acting the way you would if we were all sitting together in the same room.