Controversial opinions on metal

I'd be curious too, seeing as my standards for my taste are if I like it, I like it, if I don't, I don't (obviously with an innumerable strata of various reasons why and why not, excepting whether some dickhead does or doesn't care for it), if you can't deal with it, bite me and get necked on barbed wire. Yet I do believe I've been accused of being "in-crowd".

Controversial opinion:

Everybody that calls people in-crowd on here does so without actually having any standards for who is or isn't, from what I can tell.

If I'm wrong, please explain the qualifiers to me or something. Am I in-crowd? If so, why?

You seem to like pretty much everything, so no, you're not in-crowd. HP Lovecraft, you're not in-crowd either and I'm fairly certain I've never accused you of that (except maybe when you first joined and I assumed you were someone's alt).

Being in-crowd means having taste (specifically metal taste on this forum) so suspiciously in alignment with consensus that it makes one look like their opinions on music were strongly molded by their surroundings. The extent to which one is in-crowd is relative to the community they inhabit, there is no universal standard for in-crowd-ness (though there are certain albums that have greater consensus power than others).
perfect examples of "in-crowd" here would be yoda, krow, slayed necros etc. They've been on somewhat of a run since their supreme leader omni was chased away by our neighborhood fruitcake.

Cassette tries so hard that i cant even consider him in-crowd. He's more of a "try-hard".