Controversial opinions on metal

Is this the official in-crowd test?

1. Only own Bonded By Blood. Top ten thrash album. I've never listened to anything else except for The Toxic Waltz which didn't leave much of an impression, but that was probably about a decade ago.
2. I own The Legacy on tape. It's cool.
3. Love No Exit and Perfect Symmetry, haven't heard anything else.
4. No opinion.
5. Own The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: Part I, listened to it through once. I Will Come for You is the only song I remember.
6. Only have their debut. Decent band. Probably haven't listened to them since 2010.
7. Solitude Aeturnus, Candlemass, Saint Vitus, Trouble, Pentagram, Pagan Altar
8. Dark Angel, Demolition Hammer, Artillery, Exhorder, Sabbat, Flotsam & Jetsam (unfamiliar with Holy Terror aside from one song from a mixtape game, which ruled)

Answer the following questions and I should be able to issue an official certification of in-crowdness or non-in-crowdness depending on the results:

1. Exodus, do you like them, what's your favorite album, what are your thoughts on the first two Zetro albums
2. First two Testament albums, what do you think?
3. Alder-era Fates Warning in general
4. Dream Theater in general
5. Virgin Steele, where do they rank in your metal pantheon?
6. Ares Kingdom, where do they rank in your metal pantheon?
7. Place the following doom metal bands in order of preference: Candlemass, Pagan Altar, Pentagram, Saint Vitus, Solitude Aeturnus, Trouble
8. Place the following thrash metal bands in order of preference: Artillery, Dark Angel, Demolition Hammer, Exhorder, Flotsam and Jetsam, Holy Terror, Sabbat (UK)

1. Yes. BbB. Fabulous Disaster is cool too and contains one of the most anthemic metal songs of all time though.
2. I havent heard these albums for years.
3. Never bothered, but I hardly consider the Arch era the greatest shit ever.
4. Okay in small doses.
5. I dont like VS at all. Tried albums from several time periods.
6. Dont like them really. Never have.
7. Vitus, PA, Candlemass, SA, Trouble, Pentagram
8. Demo Hammer, Artillery, > the rest > Exhorder

quiz isn't very good, has no mention of Manilla Road.
Wise words from a self-described Garbage Connoisseur. Very intricate and selective job, that.


Definitely a troll account