Controversial opinions on metal

Let's see...

As an intro dumb groove riff repeated a bunch of times with forced-dramatic/climactic drumming for a minute
Generic metalcore riffing ideas albeit with some cool wanky drums
Same idea with the chorus
Lame 80s metal harmony section to remind people that they were a metal band when they still thought that was cool
Slightly better thrash riff section which repeats itself too often until I realize it's basically just a backdrop to a drum solo
Intro as outro


When those guys ended Lethargy they should have found jobs outside of music.
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You guys are essentially arguing degrees of diarrhea here, they're both irredeemable, trite wet farts staining what little of the genre's legacy they'd be noticed in.
l don't really get the hate for Mastodon, i've never been a fan, don't own anything by them but, isn't this just a band progressing how the fuck they want to? the last tune posted was a catchy decent tune (l wouldn't buy it) but i'm guessing they have come from a more aggressive metal background? what's the deal?
The first four albums are great, the fifth was OK, the sixth was mediocre and the seventh looks to be even more underwhelming.

Seriously though, I don't know what's up with Brent's sudden habit of hipsterdom.
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I've literally been listening to Mastodon for years and I never actually knew that guys name. TBH, I wish it stayed that way.

I also kinda wish Mastodon called it quits after Crack the Skye because that album was magic and everything after has been a mix of occasionally good and poop.
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I also kinda wish Mastodon called it quits after Crack the Skye because that album was magic and everything after has been a mix of occasionally good and poop.
Yep. Literally could have had a flawless and varied discography had they quit then but NOOOO. They had to continue.
As people get older they become more based, so he's probably felt this way forever but didn't have the balls/knew it'd be bad for business to say this drivel. They also have a huge audience now so no fear of wrecking one's career with inane views.