Controversial opinions on metal

The Prophecy is cool because it's like a rewrite of Quest for Fire with sexy folky harmonies all over the place.
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Let's see...

As an intro dumb groove riff repeated a bunch of times with forced-dramatic/climactic drumming for a minute
Generic metalcore riffing ideas albeit with some cool wanky drums
Same idea with the chorus
Lame 80s metal harmony section to remind people that they were a metal band when they still thought that was cool
Slightly better thrash riff section which repeats itself too often until I realize it's basically just a backdrop to a drum solo
Intro as outro


When those guys ended Lethargy they should have found jobs outside of music.
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You guys are essentially arguing degrees of diarrhea here, they're both irredeemable, trite wet farts staining what little of the genre's legacy they'd be noticed in.