Controversial opinions on metal

Just want to air out an opinion and get other peoples perceptive. In the past 6 months or so I've listened to Deeds of Flesh so much it hardly seems reasonable with so many good bands out there. I don't know what it is about the guitar playing but the riffs get me hooked, like a drug. The production on everything up to crown of souls, I love it, not that the newer albums productions are bad just a different thing. I love that thick sound of the guitars.
Not really leeching when the father-son duo was vital to the albums' existence. All those tireless nights spent moving furniture out of the basement and recording equipment in, earning a paycheck to keep his little man big and strong with fresh lutefisk, hand-feeding him when he was sick, bed time stories of Norse legends, etc.
Give me the thrashiest, riffiest Children of Bodom album and I will listen to it once I'm done with the Hades album I'm currently playing.

As for what you should listen to. Probably Hatebreeder. A friend bought it me when I was 16 or so. Of course I sold that shit. It sucks.
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