Controversial opinions on metal

IThe members of Overkill had been playing in bands longer than those of Exodus, but Exodus was playing thrash much earlier. And there isn't really a comparison between Bonded By Blood (a genre-defining album half of which was written in 1983) and Feel the Fire (approximately only half thrash metal, half USPM, with the former songs written later than the latter). The Power in Black demo is approximately as thrash metal as what Omen and Griffin were doing at the same time, and keep in mind that the demo was released months after songs like Strike of the Beast were.
That's fair.
agreed on tankard. i considered coroner, would've probably mentioned them if i'd made it 12. voivod are a bit too much of a niche/weirdo band; i was going for bands who're widely beloved/iconic across the mainstream and underground (and yeah, preferably '80s). it's not a list of personal favourites or anything.
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only 10 or 12? you're showing admirable restraint today.

i think a big ten would be slayer, metallica, megadeth, sodom, kreator, destruction, dark angel, exodus, overkill and sepultura.

Yeah something like that. I'd say Testament would rank above Dark Angel and roughly on-par with Overkill even if the in-crowd doesn't like them. Frankly even Anthrax would even though I mostly dislike them.
agreed on tankard. i considered coroner, would've probably mentioned them if i'd made it 12. voivod are a bit too much of a niche/weirdo band; i was going for bands who're widely beloved/iconic across the mainstream and underground (and yeah, preferably '80s). it's not a list of personal favourites or anything.

Are Dark Angel that iconic though? Not sure if it's the best metric of popularity but their most popular album has less than 2000 ratings on RYM, and they're nowhere near as prolific as most of the bands mentioned. Voivod on the other hand have been releasing albums consistently for 3½ decades, plus they have a very distinct sound that seems to have a reach of influence way disproportionate with their popularity, being cited as an influence by loads of artists in completely disparate genres.
The objectively-correct power ranking:

Celtic Frost*
Dark Angel
Nuclear Assault**
Suicidal Tendencies**
Flotsam & Jetsam
Holy Moses
Death Angel
Mekong Delta
Living Death
Sacred Reich
Hallow's Eve

*If they count
**Somewhere around there, I can't be bothered to differentiate the three
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Destruction is the Exodus to Kreator's Anthrax. There's a funny interview from 1984 where Angelripper says that the big 3 is Sodom, Destruction, and Iron Angel, and that Kreator (then Tormentor) were just an Exciter clone. Kreator wins on sales and longevity, but I'm placing extra value on 80s output. I'd argue that Release From Agony was one of the first true tech-thrash albums as well, ahead of what Coroner was doing at least. Their riffs can also be heard all over the first-wave black metal scene, not so much for Kreator or Sodom.

I definitely prefer Overkill to Sepultura, but Bestial Devastation/Morbid Visions were much further ahead of the curve and helped establish the entire South American sound.
Are Dark Angel that iconic though? Not sure if it's the best metric of popularity but their most popular album has less than 2000 ratings on RYM, and they're nowhere near as prolific as most of the bands mentioned. Voivod on the other hand have been releasing albums consistently for 3½ decades, plus they have a very distinct sound that seems to have a reach of influence way disproportionate with their popularity, being cited as an influence by loads of artists in completely disparate genres.

DARKNESS DESCENDS is a bigger deal in thrash circles than any single voivod album as far as i'm aware, a lot of people consider it the quintessential thrash album. but i take your point.

destruction should definitely be that high, fag0t. objectively they should probably be bottom of the three german bands though tbh, if we're purely talking canonical status. it's pretty trendy to consider them the weakest of the three.

hbb's rankings are fine anyways, although i'd have cut it off about halfway up lol
Sodom was first-wave black metal, what are you talking about? Obsessed By Cruelty is an early black metal classic. They did far more for it than Destruction.

They had the sound, but not the riffs. I can accept putting Sodom over Destruction, though not Kreator over Destruction.

Kreator is very weak. Pleasure to Kill is the only necessary Kreator album. Endless Pain is as mediocre as it gets, and most of the stuff post-PtK isn't even worth discussing.

Death Angel should be up around Coroner

If it wasn't for their famed youth they wouldn't have anything going for them other than being semi-early on the alt-thrash scene with Act III.
I mean, if we're focusing more on sales, Anthrax and Testament deserve to be put above all the German bands.
I tend to see more opinions of Kreator being the weakest of the big 3, and I've seen quite a few opinions of people that don't like Sodom at all but like Kreator and Destruction. Destruction is my favourite of the 3.

Death Angel being ranked around Coroner is something I definitely can't get behind. They're pretty mediocre.
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Nah it should be about respect, not sales. l love a good deal of early Anthrax but l don't think they should have been Big 4.
Although saying that, the influence they had on the next wave - particularly the Meshuggah's of this world is undeniable

Frolic through the park and yes, Act III are progressive thrash classics, that's why they should be higher