Controversial opinions on metal


Ill post exact word by word quotes since you dont want me posting screenshots.

July 26th 12:57
ME: "DefLeppard are more popular than Metallica?"
YOU: "yes"

ME: "dont ever forget, defleppard are a more well known band than metallica"
YOU: "They actually are, even though you incorrectly think otherwise"

ME:" Walk down the street and ask the next person you see if they've heard of Def leppard, and then ask them if they've heard of Metallica"
YOU: "Def Leppard is more popular than Metallica"

ME: "Someone should give you an award"
YOU: "I'm not sure why you think Def Leppard isn't more popular than Metallica but it's pretty funny"

Yes, very funny ;)

Oh and btw

July 26th 12:48
ME: defleppard are not metal and they are not more poular then metallica
tbh I agree that Motorhead isn't really thrash even though they were an influence. Judas Priest's riffing was closer, e.g. the mid section of Saints in Hell. Motorhead had a lot of the attitude and intensity, but so did Discharge and other hardcore bands also cited as influences.

Death was definitely closer to death metal proper than Possessed. I'd say Slayer was about as much death metal as Possessed.

The Def Leppard thing is retarded though.
Which Def Leppard album sold more than Metallica's S/T, btw? Wikipedia is telling me 16x platinum for Metallica, and 10x and 12x for Pyromania and Hysteria, respectively.
Which Def Leppard album sold more than Metallica's S/T, btw? Wikipedia is telling me 16x platinum for Metallica, and 10x and 12x for Pyromania and Hysteria, respectively.

Maybe you're looking at U.S. sales only, but Hysteria has sold about 25 million units and Metallica has only sold about 21 million units, worldwide of course.
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Fair enough, I assumed Metallica was more of an international phenomenon than Def Leppard.

EDIT: Actually, Wikipedia has a citation saying that Metallica claims 31 million copies sold for the S/T internationally, so
Def Leppard have been around longer and have more albums and still haven't sold as much as Metallica has. Anyway you would have to be a complete idiot to even entertain the idea of def leppard being more popular than Metallica.

tbh I agree that Motorhead isn't really thrash even though they were an influence. Judas Priest's riffing was closer, e.g. the mid section of Saints in Hell. Motorhead had a lot of the attitude and intensity, but so did Discharge and other hardcore bands also cited as influences.

Wtf, did anyone even say that either or those two bands were thrash?
HP Lovecraft said Motorhead created thrash. You said that Omni said that Priest was closer to thrash than Motorhead.
Yeah, but i think he went ahead and explained himself.

So Priest is closer to thrash than motorhead? LMFAOOO! Why am i not surprised that the two sickest people to ever post on this message board agree with each other there? You guys are fucking disconnected from reality :lol:

Protest the Hero is technical thrash, amirite? :lol:
Judas Priest has riffs that are closer to thrash riffs than Motorhead's riffs.

Scurrilous is a technical thrash album, as are a handful of songs from their first album.
It's predominantly a trad/power album with some thrash influence, correct.

On what grounds? I've been listening to metal longer than you brah. Respect my metal authority brah. You're just a child brah.
Brah my Allemagneian cousins introduced me to thrash and death metal, I remember them arguing with each other when I was still in the womb over whether Strappado was death or thrash metal, they took me to my first concert when I was six months old, that's when I discovered that I was a fan of Deicide, what do you have to compete with that brah?
I'm starting to wonder if techbarb is a bot. Deron the evil mastermind is kicking back in his control room with 20 screens cackling to himself as techbarb aka BROTARD 2000 and UltimateApathy aka LEFTARD 500 wreak havoc on the forum.
But you never answered my question last time, you baggy pants wearing deadlock sporting fake ass faggot. How high can you Jump Da Fuck Up? I bet you still mainly listen to nu-metal and groove.

And let me give you a hint: no one here really likes you. Shit, some have even told me themselves how much of a faggot they think you are.
And let me give you a hint: no one here really likes you. Shit, some have even told me themselves how much of a faggot they think you are.
I love how you were white knighting Dak moments ago and then you turn around and do this same thing to another user, thinking that you're totally exempt from criticism.
But you never answered my question last time, you baggy pants wearing deadlock sporting fake ass faggot. How high can you Jump Da Fuck Up? I bet you still mainly listen to nu-metal and groove.

And let me give you a hint: no one here really likes you. Shit, some have even told me themselves how much of a faggot they think you are.

Satanstonenail is one of my favorite users here. Has his own opinions, introduced me to quite a bit of cool stuff, doesn't posture, doesn't get involved in the drama, all around cool guy.