Controversial opinions on metal

The only thrashy albums that are worth any salt anymore are bestial thrash bands like Abigail. Everything else is poser party thrash, get it right kid.

Lmfao, I literally listened to that album three time just to make sure that you were being the stupid faggot edge lord that you're trying be in the comment section there by saying you barely hear any thrash on that album. Now its all clear to me. All that does is confirm that you and qwerty are both cut form the same fake cloth.

I cant find most of the songs online, but how in the world can you listen to the opening track, Abandoned Celestial State, Pain of Reincarnation, Cosmic Debt and say its "barely" thrash? I'm gonna chalk this up to you and your retarded ways of ranking and rating albums that you've heard only once at best.

Anyone that even entertains the idea that this isn't technical/progressive thrash needs to turn their card in and go home.

Their demos and EP are thrash. This album is not. From what I remember, Temptations of Terminal Progress was the thrashiest song, pretty much 50/50 Dimension Hatross/Coroner, but I haven't written an autistic track ranking list for it yet. Track-by-track genre analysis incoming.

I've heard it twice, the same number of times that you have, I listened to the 2013 demo when it came out, and I was listening to Death when my cousins played his discography in front of my mom six months pregnant with me. I'm more experienced than you. Bow to me, the world's foremost metal expert, suck my Armenian dick, etc.

The only thrashy albums that are worth any salt anymore are bestial thrash bands like Abigail. Everything else is poser party thrash, get it right kid.

Blackened thrash is often gimmicky and shit, particularly so of Abigail.
I'll admit already that tracks 1 and 3 are definitely primarily tech-thrash, although the first one is a little on the lighter side and doesn't really fill out the rhythm the way Killing Technology would, more like a heavier The Outer Limits song, but it's not really punk or anything else so there's no better way to describe it. Second song was sort of a swing-metal thing, like Nothingface crossed with Van Halen's Mean Street or something (I fucking love that song btw). Two more songs that are tech-thrash (and I'm pretty sure at least one more is coming up) and I'll admit that this would have to qualify as tech-thrash in my book.