Controversial opinions on metal

just cause varg name dropped an album once doesn't make it BM

That goes for most things. Riff-wise, Infernal Overkill has more in common with Tormentor than many things labeled first-wave black metal, not to mention that Schmier was an obvious pioneer of the vocal style, so I don't see the issue.
you're picking and choosing songs, which isnt fair tbh especially with Raise the Dead(which is a godly track btw). That being i said i agree that most first wave black metal is indeed thrash.

I hear no black metal when listening to Infernal Overkill, i hear some black metal in the Tormentor track you posted
I'm not saying the bands are identical or that Tormentor didn't go further, but just compare the riff at 0:19 of Destruction's with the one at 0:10 of Tormentor's for example. Or the general vocal styles of Schmier and Attila. The drumming is probably the biggest thing separating the two.

I actually picked a more extreme Bathory song, I could have picked Sacrifice if I was trying to cherry-pick against Bathory.
Mgla rules. It doesn't even have anything in common with whatever the chuds unironically describe as "atmoshit". Also imo Exercises In Futility is the band's best work, tied with Mdlosci. Easy 10/10.
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Mgla rules.
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Yeah the EP doesn't really have any weak points while Walls of Jericho has a couple, but they're pretty much equals when you factor in the different formats.
While I'd say that I like any track on their EP better than "Gorgar" and "Reptile" (which are my least favourite tracks on "Walls of Jericho"), the EP only contains one of my overall favourite Helloween-songs, namely "Victim of Fate", whereas "Walls of Jericho" contains three of them ("Ride the Sky", "Phantoms of Death" and "How Many Tears"). An EP with these four songs would get a 10/10-rating from me.