Correct, because he is completely wrongnot controversial at all
I find a lot more non-classic black metal that's substantially less interesting than a lot of non-classic thrash metal. It also helps to know what thrash metal albums you define as classic.Controversial opinion: When it comes to thrash, the classics are literally all you need imo.
Black metal doesn't have the breadth of ideas that thrash does to justify the non-classics.
At least you're guaranteed riffs whereas with black metal, it's a gamble as to whether you're going to get some actual composition (Wampyrinacht) or masturbatory atmospherics that ultimately go nowhere (Mgla).Thrash Metal ranges from sloppy to technical and that's about it.
At least you're guaranteed riffs whereas with black metal, it's a gamble as to whether you're going to get some actual composition (Wampyrinacht) or masturbatory atmospherics that ultimately go nowhere (Mgla).
And where exactly does black metal fall in that range? Exclusively the sloppy" side? Most black metal musicians sound like amateurs as far as the instrumentation goes tbh. And that definitely cannot be said for thrash, death, trad etc.Thrash Metal ranges from sloppy to technical and that's about it.
And where exactly does black metal fall in that range? Exclusively the sloppy" side? Most black metal musicians sound like amateurs as far as the instrumentation goes tbh. And that definitely cannot be said for thrash, death, trad etc.
most thrash musicians will play circles around black metal musicians, that is just a plain fact
I can confidently say the dudes in Deathspell Omega could practically anything you threw their way. Either way, I'm talking more so from a purely aesthetic standpoint. Black metal has been decidedly repurposed to suit a lot more ideas than thrash has ever done.
I disagree with everything here, especially the bolded. But Deathspell Omega rules
Bestial Invasion, Vexovoid, Droid and Condor all released better albums this year so all you're doing is taking mediocre thrash metal albums and making them representative of the whole subgenre's output for this year.I listened to that power Trip album in the 2017 thread and that warbringer and reminded myself why thrash is probably the worst sub genre today.
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is the worst Burzum album (of the black metal stuff)