Controversial opinions on metal

if i listened to the somberlain more it'd definitely make the list, its a definitely great album just not one i've invested as much time into as i should

then listen to it more!


I'll even go out of my way and buy you a copy.
@no country for old wainds
It's a very good album, especially how its put together. It has as a few weakpoints if i can even use that word here. It gets too repetitive at times and some of the best songs on there like Cries From a Restless Soul could have had a good minute or more shaved off. Id give Obsolete Tears and Beyond All Horizons 3.75 if i could. The album has somewhat happier melodies/a sound in comparison to the more cold and aggressive sound(definitely the riffs and vocals, no doubt here) that The Somberlain carries. And i still stand by my word and say The Somberlain is a much better album. I'll say i'd take back one being more accessible than the other though. I was just plain speaking out of my ass there.



edit: The Vision and the Voice should be a 4.5 and was my favorite track

edit: title track might need to get bumped up to a 4.5
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@no country for old wainds
It's a very good album, especially how its put together. It has as a few weakpoints if i can even use that word here. It gets too repetitive at times and some of the best songs on there like Cries From a Restless Soul could have had a good minute or more shaved off. Id give Obsolete Tears and Beyond All Horizons 3.75 if i could. The album has somewhat happier melodies/a sound in comparison to the more cold and aggressive sound(definitely the riffs and vocals, no doubt here) that The Somberlain carries. And i still stand by my word and say The Somberlain is a much better album. I'll say i'd take back one being more accessible than the other though. I was just plain speaking out of my ass there.



edit: The Vision and the Voice should be a 4.5 and was my favorite track

edit: title track might need to get bumped up to a 4.5
When Night Surrounds Me is a 3.5 to you?
More surprising is the ratings of Obsolete Tears and Beyond All Horizons which are the peaks of the album for me (along with the title track). And The Vision and the Voice is quite easily my least favourite track on the record.
More surprising is the ratings of Obsolete Tears and Beyond All Horizons which are the peaks of the album for me (along with the title track). And The Vision and the Voice is quite easily my least favourite track on the record.
sorry to disappoint you. I listened to it back to back twice and enjoyed it more than i usually do

When Night Surrounds me can even be a 3.25 if i'm being honest and is clearly the most unimpressive track on the album. It's the only time im tempted to hit forward while listening. And those two tracks are from from being the peak of that album imo and basically highlight all of the small complaints i had. That all being said i still think it's one of the best melodic black metal albums around and i dont think i would use ho-hum to describe it again.
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appreciate the recs, dug the execution the most but none of these got my dick hard. ill check yours later, @CASSETTEISGOD
That's just a few of my favorite blackened thrash bands. Did you check out the Nocturnal track/album i posted in the Song Kicking Your Ass thread? Another one of my favorites form that style of thrash. Since you really enjoyed Vektor i'd say give Vexovoid a shot, some heavy Vektor worship there.