Controversial opinions on metal

You made a topic asking how to find metal fans who don't look like metal fans because you care about outward appearance as a priority for yourself and those who you can associate with and you've repeatedly tried to claim that you are intellectually above average.

It'a not an assumption if you provide the basis for me to say those things about you by openly stating them on your own.
It's quite ironic you misrepresent my opinion right in your reply without realizing it even after I've told you so ;^ )
May I clarify for your own sake that I care about the outwardly appearance of these people because it openly speaks to their values, norms and opinions. Similarly if I saw a guy dawning swastika armbands, I could extrapolate the two of us would also not end up friends. It's not the appearance itself that matters, but what it represents. This is common sense goy ;^ )

Two: I AM intellectually above average though I don't remember myself "repeatedly" mentioning it seriously, and that's really not anything major since all it means is you are smarter than 50% of the population goy ;^ ). Personally I could go far more than that. The average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is a standard deviation above whites, which is in itself a standard deviation above blacks. I've talked to and been around enough Ashkenazi Jews to know I'm smarter than the average jew [which again just means I'm smarter than half], from this I can extrapolate that I am more intelligent than a huge portion of the population. ;^ )

Not hard to understand ;^ )
May I clarify for your own sake that I care about the outwardly appearance of these people because it openly speaks to their values, norms and opinions. Similarly if I saw a guy dawning swastika armbands, I could extrapolate the two of us would also not end up friends. It's not the appearance itself that matters, but what it represents. This is common sense goy ;^ )

Wearing a Swastika almost always denotes a specific set of values, wearing an Iron Maiden shirt does not.
whats up with the hate for sabaton here? I'm a fan of war history, especially world war 2 so its only reasonable that I am inclined to enjoy it. Another band that I always sing to.

My introduction to Sabaton was that song that totally copied Gutter Ballet so I tend to not like the band. Convince me that they're worthwhile.
It's quite ironic you misrepresent my opinion right in your reply without realizing it even after I've told you so ;^ )
May I clarify for your own sake that I care about the outwardly appearance of these people because it openly speaks to their values, norms and opinions. Similarly if I saw a guy dawning swastika armbands, I could extrapolate the two of us would also not end up friends. It's not the appearance itself that matters, but what it represents. This is common sense goy ;^ )

Two: I AM intellectually above average though I don't remember myself "repeatedly" mentioning it seriously, and that's really not anything major since all it means is you are smarter than 50% of the population goy ;^ ). Personally I could go far more than that. The average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is a standard deviation above whites, which is in itself a standard deviation above blacks. I've talked to and been around enough Ashkenazi Jews to know I'm smarter than the average jew [which again just means I'm smarter than half], from this I can extrapolate that I am more intelligent than a huge portion of the population. ;^ )

Not hard to understand ;^ )

The only real significance of this post is its value as an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. Great effort.
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is saying hammerheart is bathory's best album controversial?
i know some black metal purists hate master quorthon's shift in genre but i wonder how the metal community at large thinks about that opinion

i would go so far as to say its my favorite metal album bar none

(i think im a little to late to the conversation oops)
I dont really think it's controversial.
Most people say either Under the Sign of the Black Mark or Hammerheart are his best albums.
speaking of quorthon, he had some controversial opinions of his own

"I have heard of SLAYER's first and some cuts of SODOM, DESTRUCTION, WIMPHAMMER/CELCTIC COMPOST and I think they all suck!"
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is saying hammerheart is bathory's best album controversial?
i know some black metal purists hate master quorthon's shift in genre but i wonder how the metal community at large thinks about that opinion

i would go so far as to say its my favorite metal album bar none

(i think im a little to late to the conversation oops)
Obv #1 album of all the time, so not controversial for me atleast. :)
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