Controversial opinions on metal

The whole privilege suffix thing is too amorphous to really have any true meaning.

On one hand people say whites and men have privilege and in some ways it is blatantly true (in a majority white country why wouldn't whites have some kind of privilege? Pretty sure there would be Asian privilege in an Asian country if they had as many Asians and non-Asians living together as we do non-whites and whites, the norm or the majority in any place has the privilege of being the norm) and males might have some kind of privilege of physicality over women, but then you have the privilege claims coming from bourgeois middle-to-upper class idiots that completely overlook the fact that minorities and women in the west have the privilege of being literally systemically discriminated in favour of via quotas and affirmative action types of policies that are by their nature therefore negatively discriminating against whites and males lmao.

The hypocrisy is astounding. Then you have the obsession with identity sectarianism on the so-called left by people who don't actually understand how the majority of people (working class people) actually exist in society. White privilege and male privilege are so wide in their attempt to have meaning that they basically become meaningless political platitudes that don't actually apply to anybody's lived experiences beyond higher education teaching staff or corporate boardrooms.
Whites do have some degree of privilege; if a security guard is watching two people enter a store, one black and one white, statistically the black person is more likely to commit theft, and therefore the black person is also going to be viewed suspiciously and potentially made to go through hoops that a white person does not. This means that a non-criminal black person has an automatic stigma hanging over him because he happens to belong to an ethnic group that is statistically more criminal. Blacks living in black areas are required to deal with store items and cashiers behind security glass, with cops more on-edge because of a higher incidence of gun violence, etc. The problem with the concept of white privilege is that it isn't an unfair creation granted to whites due to whites, it's that it's an unfair stigma placed upon blacks due to blacks. White privilege over Asians in America, for example, is significantly reduced.
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Of course that privilege can be somewhat balanced out if you're white living in a majority black neighborhood, what with how often you'll be targeted for violence and robbery just for being white. Furthermore most of these issues are about class not race, as black people who are middle class-and-above deal significantly less with that stigma of criminality and violence while poorer whites deal with the stigma of being uneducated, racist hillbillies/rednecks.

It's ironic that whites with class privilege are the ones who hold the most rabidly to the idea of race and gender privileges, as if some white "liberal" professor knows anything about what it's like to be a poor white worker and can just make such grand claims about that experience. Poor working women have much more in common with poor working men than some neo-aristocrat 3rd wave feminist article writer for The Guardian.
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Another problem with the concept of white privilege, what they actually mean is white-passing privilege, which is really probably an even worse idea. Suddenly white(-passing) privilege goes away the moment it's revealed that they're a white Jew.

Unless of course they're also right-wing, then they just become Hitler somehow.

Also the cultural stereotype that Jews are over-achievers isn't a problem being vocalized by anybody but Asian over-achievement is apparently a problem lmao.
Right. It's not even controversial.

While we're at it. I only own Hate Forest's Battlefields and love it. Are their other albums worth checking out?