Controversial opinions on metal

I like the riffage better.

I don't know, the title track just kicks major fucking ass. I'll have to give both a listen again and make a truly justifiable opinion for it srsly.
Necrophagist is okay, even though their lead guitar is boring
Morbid Angel - Domination is really mediocre
Slaughter of the Soul is a good album
Iced Earth blows
Ozzy is a shitty vocalist who never had any talent and Sharon is a domineering cunt
Dimmu Borgir is okay
and many, many more...
Iced Earth blows
Ozzy is a shitty vocalist who never had any talent
To quote Cythraul (I think it was him...)

There is no way to put into words how badly you have just failed.
This is the controversial opinions thread, right? I realize most people disagree, so I don't usually say this stuff. But this thread is for this sorta thing, no?
This is the controversial opinions thread, right? I realize most people disagree, so I don't usually say this stuff. But this thread is for this sorta thing, no?
You are right, in that this is the Controversial Opinions thread.

But that doesn't make said opinions immune to scrutiny.
I like metalcore (even some of the more poppy oriented kind).

I've recently taken to downloading quite a few OOP albums as opposed to hunting them down on eBay to purchase for outrageous prices. I will, of course, buy the albums once they are reissued or when in the unlikely event that I find them for reasonable prices. :p
I'm not a big fan of traditional black metal; the original wave or the second Norwegian wave.

I prefer black metal that is a hybrid of the traditional genre with more symphonic, melodic, or folk elements (i.e. Moonsorrow, Ulver, Obsidian Gate, Borknagar, Bal-Sagoth, Primordial, Dimmu Borgir, etc.)

Bands like Venom, Mayhem, Burzum, Emperor, etc. just don't do it for me.

I can listen to Immortal sometimes.
Emperor's in the nightside eclipse is highly overrated imho

and Iced Earth, while may not 'suck' they are basically carried by Barlow and without him, I don't think they'd have much. Alot of the songs are very simplistic and sound almost repetitive. Out of their catalogue of like what, 8cds? I can only think of 2 i'd tell someone to download to get into them for a first time.
I don't really like Death. Or Cryptopsy. Or Slayer. Or any of the classic bands like Iron Maiden/Black Sabbath.
Don't really like Cryptopsy.
I hate Hendrix, think he's fantastically overrated. I also don't really like Zeppelin.