Controversial opinions on metal

People worned me about Cirith Ungol vocals, but I didn't notice anything haha, more of a thing to get Manilla Road's vocals(atleast on some of the albums)
I'm sorry, but anyone put off by King Diamond's vocal should seriously consider getting a hearing aid. King Diamond's falsetto is the sweetest sound to ever fuck my ear pussies.
This is controversial METAL opinions. Controversial MUSIC opinions can go to the non-metal board.

Cleaned before it got out of control.

buttock, my man, never heard Anthrax!? How old are you (serious question)?

Check out the album Among the Living, if you like that, start exploring their catalog.

My controversial contribution:

While I enjoy songs by them, overall, I do not care for Iron Maiden <ducking> and only own one album by them (because it was given to me).
Why is that so surprising?
Honestly, I don't know. I am opposed to his named being dropped as the "greatest" by people who know nothing of what they speak of. But I wouldn't go near as far as to say that Hendrix is over rated.

Edit: er...oops, ninja'd. I'll stop with the hendrix talk now
I think Ozzy is quite possibly the worst vocalist of all time.

Certain bands that have gone 'bad' after a certain point for most fans I still find good. Metallica before St. Anger and Megadeth are good examples of this.

Iron Maidens vocalist for s/t and Killers beats Bruce by a landslide.
buttock, my man, never heard Anthrax!? How old are you (serious question)?

Check out the album Among the Living, if you like that, start exploring their catalog.

I've been meaning to check them out sooner or later, as I'd heard that they were a legendary band. But to be honest, most of my time lately has been spent checking out essential black and death metal albums I should have. :/

Demon Lung said:
I too have never understood the alure of Ozzy. Even more so after Sabbath.
I like the fact that his voice has always sounded so shrill and haunting. Listening to songs like Black Sabbath, NIB, Sweet Leaf, and even Never Say Die, just brings me a feeling that no other Sabbath vocalist has ever given me.
Don't get me wrong I enjoy Sabbath, I've just never been big on Sabbath vocalists.
Ihsahn's post-INTE vocals are better than his INTE vocals.

I can see where you're coming from...

Therion's new album absolutely OBLITERATES everything else they've done & their early stuff was boring as shit.

Most technical death metal that metalheads like usually blows.

Iron Maiden seem to have a knack for not progressing much on their first 7 albums, although they're still a good band. I just hear too much similar stuff going on in all those albums.

Cradle of Filth are pretty cool & they have their own sound.

Most of the big Jazz Fusion guitarists (Holdsworth, Gambale, Garsed, Lane, Howe, ect.) OBLITERATE these metal guitarists that so many people go ape shit over.

Just because something is really fast or extreme doesn't make it good metal.

I only hear a hand full of different styles of extreme/harsh vocals, yet some make it out like there are huge differences there...

Dream Theater's "Awake" has more talent dripping off of it than most of the albums I hear about being talked of on here; yet everyone hates Dream Theater & I never understood some of the claims against them. They're guilty of wanking, but not on "Awake". You have to draw the line somewhere before negativity starts to look stupid.

Paul Gilbert fucking blows.
Ihsahn's post-INTE vocals are better than his INTE vocals.

fuck no

Satyricon's Now, Diabolical rivals Nemesis Divina.

fuck yes

I can see where you're coming from...

Therion's new album absolutely OBLITERATES everything else they've done & their early stuff was boring as shit.

yes (excluding the dm one, hopefully)

Dream Theater's "Awake" has more talent dripping off of it than most of the albums I hear about being talked of on here; yet everyone hates Dream Theater & I never understood some of the claims against them. They're guilty of wanking, but not on "Awake". You have to draw the line somewhere before negativity starts to look stupid.

Wormed is the most hilarious band I've ever heard. I can't stop laughing; he sounds like a fucking frog.

Sonata Arctica's Unia is a really good album.

SoaD isn't actually that bad.
I've got plenty of 'em but you've heard most of mine already.

I'm just gonna say, metal bands should be way, way more diverse. And I don't mean they should branch out into non-extreme forms of music. I mean that there's no reason why all these bands just play one genre/style. Even "diverse" bands tend to stick to one style. At most you might have a band that starts out as one genre and then becomes another one, or even a band with 2 genres they do like Agalloch. But that's not really going very far with it. It wouldn't really be difficult at all for a talented band to do an album that genre-hops 9 or 10 times, with a different subgenre of metal on each track. We all know there are tons great metal subgenres and most of us listen to a whole bunch of them in the first place.

I'm not saying all bands should do that specific thing, a different genre every track, but that bands should do similar things to that. More diversity. I listen to samplers which will have a thrash song then a tech death song then a heavy metal song and it sounds amazing. Ya know? It's not hard to use multiple vocal styles and song-structures and do more than just one version of metal.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with the way things are. It goes without saying that I fuckin' love metal. I just think it would be better if there was more diversity. There are countless bands with multiple genres attributed to them, but it's mainly in an attempt to define just one sound that they have, which might incorporate some aspects of more than one genre. It's rarely about how a group actually does a bunch of different styles in turn, one at a time.