Controversial opinions on metal

:kickass: I agree actually

I find most metal before late 80s too simplistic and poppy. The prog-rock from that era is far superior musically.

I agree here too... put an Iron Maiden or Priest bassline up against a Duran Duran or Madness one for technicality & we'll see who comes up trumps...

Controversial metal opinions:
1. Metallica suck huge cock & always have (average at best)
2. Iron Maiden & Judas Priest annoy the shit out me most of the time, amuse me some of the time & impress me far less often then they should, given the amount of people who won't shut up about them.
3. Raining Blood is not the only Slayer song, I don't care who the fuck you are, cover something else.
4. Metalheads in general bore & irritate the shit out of me. (yes I am into metal)
5. Because someone is a pioneer, it does not make them THE authority/benchmark. (Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen)
6. "Broodal" & "kvlt" aren't even real fucking words... why do so many metalheads insist on using them... "brutal" shits me too... english is a fascinating language, use it & all it's adjectives.
7. "throwing horns" is just fucking AAAARRRGHHHHH!!! Why are you doing it?!!
8. putting clean vocals in a song, where the bulk is screamy or growly (or vice-versa) has been done to death, leave it.
9. On paper, Opeth should be my favourite band... yet they're boring as shit & fucking suck... AND...
10. Metal is dead... or at best stagnant.
SMRC is merely decent, to be honest. I barely if ever listen to it anymore. It's just so loooong and plodddding, and not in a very engaging way.
I agree here too... put an Iron Maiden or Priest bassline up against a Duran Duran or Madness one for technicality & we'll see who comes up trumps...

Controversial metal opinions:
1. Metallica suck huge cock & always have (average at best)
2. Iron Maiden & Judas Priest annoy the shit out me most of the time, amuse me some of the time & impress me far less often then they should, given the amount of people who won't shut up about them.
3. Raining Blood is not the only Slayer song, I don't care who the fuck you are, cover something else.
4. Metalheads in general bore & irritate the shit out of me. (yes I am into metal)
5. Because someone is a pioneer, it does not make them THE authority/benchmark. (Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen)
6. "Broodal" & "kvlt" aren't even real fucking words... why do so many metalheads insist on using them... "brutal" shits me too... english is a fascinating language, use it & all it's adjectives.
7. "throwing horns" is just fucking AAAARRRGHHHHH!!! Why are you doing it?!!
8. putting clean vocals in a song, where the bulk is screamy or growly (or vice-versa) has been done to death, leave it.
9. On paper, Opeth should be my favourite band... yet they're boring as shit & fucking suck... AND...
10. Metal is dead... or at best stagnant.


I hate you already, although I do agree on a couple points. (It's alright, you'll hate me too.)
Controversial metal opinions:
1. Metallica suck huge cock & always have (average at best)
2. Iron Maiden & Judas Priest annoy the shit out me most of the time, amuse me some of the time & impress me far less often then they should, given the amount of people who won't shut up about them.
3. Raining Blood is not the only Slayer song, I don't care who the fuck you are, cover something else.
4. Metalheads in general bore & irritate the shit out of me. (yes I am into metal)
5. Because someone is a pioneer, it does not make them THE authority/benchmark. (Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen)
6. "Broodal" & "kvlt" aren't even real fucking words... why do so many metalheads insist on using them... "brutal" shits me too... english is a fascinating language, use it & all it's adjectives.
7. "throwing horns" is just fucking AAAARRRGHHHHH!!! Why are you doing it?!!
8. putting clean vocals in a song, where the bulk is screamy or growly (or vice-versa) has been done to death, leave it.
9. On paper, Opeth should be my favourite band... yet they're boring as shit & fucking suck... AND...
10. Metal is dead... or at best stagnant.

I agree on all your points. And I like you.
This thread is full of blasphemy against Maiden and Priest.

To contribute; I like a lot of DragonForce.

Most black metal bands annoy the shit out of me, and the ones that don't sound more like death metal.
I agree here too... put an Iron Maiden or Priest bassline up against a Duran Duran or Madness one for technicality & we'll see who comes up trumps...

Controversial metal opinions:
1. Metallica suck huge cock & always have (average at best)
2. Iron Maiden & Judas Priest annoy the shit out me most of the time, amuse me some of the time & impress me far less often then they should, given the amount of people who won't shut up about them.
3. Raining Blood is not the only Slayer song, I don't care who the fuck you are, cover something else.
4. Metalheads in general bore & irritate the shit out of me. (yes I am into metal)
5. Because someone is a pioneer, it does not make them THE authority/benchmark. (Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen)
6. "Broodal" & "kvlt" aren't even real fucking words... why do so many metalheads insist on using them... "brutal" shits me too... english is a fascinating language, use it & all it's adjectives.
7. "throwing horns" is just fucking AAAARRRGHHHHH!!! Why are you doing it?!!
8. putting clean vocals in a song, where the bulk is screamy or growly (or vice-versa) has been done to death, leave it.
9. On paper, Opeth should be my favourite band... yet they're boring as shit & fucking suck... AND...
10. Metal is dead... or at best stagnant.

1. Okay, personal taste.
2. I like them, but I agree they're both somewhat overrated
3. Ok....I guess so. Haven't heard all that many Raining Blood covers, tbh...
4. Either you're an antisocial dumbass or you need to stop hanging out with Pantera fans.
5. Totally agree.
6. Brutal is a valid way to describe a style of music. "Heavy" simply fails to capture the extent of the music's abrasiveness.
7. Suck it up, because it's not going away. Also, why does this bother you? It's like the secret metal handshake that has been co-opted by the mainstream...
8. Uh...really stupid to confine yourself to one vocal style. If it fits, do it. Also, you mostly see this in doom and metalcore...
9. I like Opeth, but yeah, it's weird. I think it's because there's no catchy choruses or anything, so the songs aren't memorable.
10. Wrong. Try again.
Only have Still Life and Your Arms My Hearse. I like both, but not as much as I know I should.

I hope seeing Opeth live will make a difference...
I don't think that the pioneer bands are always the best but it is pretty stupid to think that they're not the benchmark bands.
Negura Bunget have yet to blow me away.

Drudkh are the saviors of black metal.

Metalcore (at least 90% thereof, particularly that of the last five years) is a scourge and a trend destined to die out. I don't care how ignorant I am of the genre and I don't care how many arguments I get into with V5, I do not like it, Sam I Am. Sorry V5. I think you're cool, but I just can't get into the stuff.

Load and Reload are two of my favorite albums ever.

Trouble's Psalm 9 is not doom metal.

I hate this whole "thrash revival" thing. Fuck Municipal Waste. I think it's complete and utter bullshit. It's goofy. Thrash died along with everything else in the early 90s. How can a band create anything worthwhile when its sole purpose is to recycle riffs from 1986? It doesn't allow much room for originality, that's certain: I've already got all the Megadeth, Anthrax, and Exodus albums I need. And the press actually laudes these bands, Metal Maniacs and Terrorizer virtually masturbating all the fuck over everything they release? Has everybody gone completely fucking mad, not to mention deaf? Let it rest (rust) in peace. Goddammit.

Most new death metal is devoid of spirit. Occasionally I like to throw on the Fear Candy cds that come on the front of Terrorizer. All the death metal bands suck and sound exactly the same, notable exception being Portal. Gimme Deicide, Dark Recollections, or Effigy of the Forgotten any day.

Black metal is thriving more now than it has since the early 90s.

Excepting their first two albums, Nile is kinda meh.

Aeternus' Beyond the Wandering Moon is one of the greatest albums ever. Period. Done.