Controversial opinions on metal

Therion's new album absolutely OBLITERATES everything else they've done & their early stuff was boring as shit.

Gothic Kaballah is a fucking awesome album. I wouldn't say it's their best (I love Deggial, Vovin, Lemuria/Sirius B, Secret of the Runes, etc.), but definitely one of their best.
I agree here too... put an Iron Maiden or Priest bassline up against a Duran Duran or Madness one for technicality & we'll see who comes up trumps...

Controversial metal opinions:
1. Metallica suck huge cock & always have (average at best)
2. Iron Maiden & Judas Priest annoy the shit out me most of the time, amuse me some of the time & impress me far less often then they should, given the amount of people who won't shut up about them.
3. Raining Blood is not the only Slayer song, I don't care who the fuck you are, cover something else.
4. Metalheads in general bore & irritate the shit out of me. (yes I am into metal)
5. Because someone is a pioneer, it does not make them THE authority/benchmark. (Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen)
6. "Broodal" & "kvlt" aren't even real fucking words... why do so many metalheads insist on using them... "brutal" shits me too... english is a fascinating language, use it & all it's adjectives.
7. "throwing horns" is just fucking AAAARRRGHHHHH!!! Why are you doing it?!!
8. putting clean vocals in a song, where the bulk is screamy or growly (or vice-versa) has been done to death, leave it.
9. On paper, Opeth should be my favourite band... yet they're boring as shit & fucking suck... AND...
10. Metal is dead... or at best stagnant.

I like your elitism; but as a general rule, I have to find something to disagree with all elitists about (because I'm one too).

5. Because someone is a pioneer, it does not make them THE authority/benchmark. (Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen)

Black Sabbath is a landmark upon the historic path of metal. They're immortal. In order to see where all metal came from, we trace our ways back to Sabbath.

And metal can't die; the gods made heavy metal. :headbang:
I like Load and Reload.

I don't like Deicide, In Flames, CoF, CoB, DB and CC.
I still can't get into Cirith Ungol.
I got Chris Adler's sticks that he's been you seen, now you can touch me.

edit: I can't believe I just typed "using" as "you seen"... I need more of sleep...
Deicide is mildly controversial.
In Flames? Hardly
Cradle Of Filth? Not at all
CoD? Call of Duty?
Cannibal Corpse? Not too controversial.