Controversial opinions on metal

Necrophagist sound like a fucking video game and are awful. They're technical, but do not sound interesting or musical to me like say opeth and opeth are much better musicians than any of those bands imo.
By "musicianship" I was referring to technicality of the playing. Of course just because someone practices 15 hours a day & is very technical doesn't mean they're going to write good songs. When judging metal guitarists the best ones have a good balance of songwriting skills & technicality. In other words you cna call certain guys great songwriters but it doesn't make them great guitarists. It's a guitar player thing.
Gorguts, since Obscura is like the most technical, dissonant and challenging album ever.

One band?? I started to learn some stuff off that album awhile back & it was honestly not very hard to play. I'm not saying I was playing the most challenging stuff on the album, but the stuff I was playing did not trip me up & I'm not an amazing guitarist. Necrophagist stuff or Marty Friedman solos gives me a much harder time, for example.
One band?? I started to learn some stuff off that album awhile back & it was honestly not very hard to play. I'm not saying I was playing the most challenging stuff on the album, but the stuff I was playing did not trip me up & I'm not an amazing guitarist. Necrophagist stuff or Marty Friedman solos gives me a much harder time, for example.

I'm sorry, but Obscura is a much more technical album than anything from either of those musicians. I named one because I don't feel pressured to prove myself to you, since you clearly care more about this argument than I do. ;)
Oh, and tab out Obscura while you're at it. Since you can play some of it so easily and all.
Technical ability does not make a musician or make a musician good. I for the most part find technical music really boring.
Oh, and tab out Obscura while you're at it. Since you can play some of it so easily and all.

I got a guitar pro tab of it online. It's really not that nuts or anything & IMO it's definitely not one of the better songs on the album.

Besides, Gorguts are not part of the equation. I was comparing those bands to the technical capacity of Opeth. Opeth play in 4/4 like crazy. Mikeal is not a crazy player by any means. He may make long technical songs, but there's a difference between that what I was referring to.
I got a guitar pro tab of it online. It's really not that nuts or anything & IMO it's definitely not one of the better songs on the album.

Besides, Gorguts are not part of the equation. I was comparing those bands to the technical capacity of Opeth. Opeth play in 4/4 like crazy. Mikeal is not a crazy player by any means. He may make long technical songs, but there's a difference between that what I was referring to.

Mike has a gorgeous solo style though in my opinion, Peter's was pretty unique too. They're not "the" most technically proficient guitarists but they're by no means bad players.

Cynic stuff is fucking hard to play for me, Masvidal's solos are awesome, though I'm not much of a sweeper.

Edit: Saw you mention earlier about Opeth's musicianship. Lopez and Axe are both on par with Portnoy for me, I love DT too.