Controversial opinions on metal

I'm with Life Sucks on this one. I can't get into stoner doom at all.
All the hype to listen to Electric Wizard etc. and it's all same downtuned recycled Sabbath riffs over and over.

GTFO now.

Electric Wizard really aren't that good - they just have an awesome sound. That's the main reason I listen to them. If they played the shit they play without that ultra-heavy, bassy sound, it would be utter shit (i.e. their s/t album).
Electric Wizard really aren't that good - they just have an awesome sound. That's the main reason I listen to them. If they played the shit they play without that ultra-heavy, bassy sound, it would be utter shit (i.e. their s/t album).

You could make the same argument about lots of bands. Dismember wouldn't be as good without that obnoxious guitar tone, for instance. But music is one part production and another part the actual notes being played. It's usually kinda pointless to evaluate something based on only one of those elements.
You could make the same argument about lots of bands. Dismember wouldn't be as good without that obnoxious guitar tone, for instance. But music is one part production and another part the actual notes being played. It's usually kinda pointless to evaluate something based on only one of those elements.

Actually, that's the problem I have with a lot of extreme metal. A lot of the time, it's more noise than music. And I don't think production needs to (or should) play such a huge role in music. Sure, it's good to have a cool sound, but it's not an excuse to compromise your songwriting.

There are plenty of classic rock bands that made an impression primarily through their songwriting, or through the emotions they tapped into through their performance. They didn't rely on a genre-formulaic sound to cover up their uniqueness, and that's what made their songs more memorable.
Your ears are broken tbh. Stop calling things you don't understand (or even bother to understand) "noise." Production is a big part of extreme metal, and if you don't like it, then I guess it's just not for you. And that's fine, but please don't consistently display your ignorance of it in a way that makes you an easy target for posts like this.
Actually, that's the problem I have with a lot of extreme metal. A lot of the time, it's more noise than music. And I don't think production needs to (or should) play such a huge role in music. Sure, it's good to have a cool sound, but it's not an excuse to compromise your songwriting.

There are plenty of classic rock bands that made an impression primarily through their songwriting, or through the emotions they tapped into through their performance. They didn't rely on a genre-formulaic sound to cover up their uniqueness, and that's what made their songs more memorable.

And there are plenty of people like you who choose to dismiss the elements of production and tone as trivial. That's justifiable some of the time, but I just believe that their degree of importance varies with each band and that, as a result, it isn't practical to make such definitive claims about how they shouldn't "play such a huge role in music." That's pretty much the only way to appreciate a lot of noise or drone bands, to take an extreme example. Sunn0))) and Merzbow are closer to being 100% production and very little songwriting . So there's a lot that literally IS more noise than music as you claimed, but that doesn't automatically make something inferior IMO.