Controversial opinions on metal

I think Harry Potter does have a point here. Music can be well written and well executed, but you don't have to like it. Not to mention my hatred of these bands again, but that's how I view Led Zeppelin and Dream Theater. The music is well written and well played, but I fucking hate the music.
I think Harry Potter does have a point here. Music can be well written and well executed, but you don't have to like it. Not to mention my hatred of these bands again, but that's how I view Led Zeppelin and Dream Theater. The music is well written and well played, but I fucking hate the music.

how can any straight man hate led zeppelin? oh... wait...
And they are one of the best stoner metal bands. Listen to Kyuss, High on Fire, Om, or Sleep to hear some real crap.
I did listen to High on Fire and about laughed. such shit.

I think Harry Potter does have a point here. Music can be well written and well executed, but you don't have to like it. Not to mention my hatred of these bands again, but that's how I view Led Zeppelin and Dream Theater. The music is well written and well played, but I fucking hate the music.
I absolutely hate Led Zep. annoying singer, most overrated guitarist, and I just hate it.
Dream Theatre is OK nothing special, I dont hate em.
but fucking Pink Floyd. makes me wanna stab people
Your constant harping on people about your superior ability to get women begs the question:

Is it really just your own insecurities speaking?

EDIT: ninja'd by a fatass
Your constant harping on people about your superior ability to get women begs the question:

Is it really just your own insecurities speaking?

EDIT: ninja'd by a fatass
No. I just mention it in all my retorts against being called "gay." Though I suppose it may not be necessary to elaborate that I'm an active hetero as opposed to passive one (ie a straight guy that gets no chicks) since after all straight is straight.
Your ears are broken tbh. Stop calling things you don't understand (or even bother to understand) "noise." Production is a big part of extreme metal, and if you don't like it, then I guess it's just not for you. And that's fine, but please don't consistently display your ignorance of it in a way that makes you an easy target for posts like this.

I'm not sure what point you're even trying to make here. It seems as though you disagree with the post I made, but then you concede that "production is a big part of extreme metal". So I really want to know what part of my post you disagree with, because it sounds like you're just trying to push your elitism on me with comments like this. I don't have to be a fucking expert on extreme metal to recognize that things like diversity aren't really a concern for extreme metal bands. Do you really think a band that focuses on production alone has as much creative merit as a band that emphasizes songwriting as well?
I don't have to be a fucking expert on extreme metal to recognize that diversity isn't really a concern for extreme metal bands

What? Are you fucking kidding me? How many original non-extreme metal bands are there? Now how many original extreme metal bands are there? Exactly.
No. I just mention it in all my retorts against being called "gay." Though I suppose it may not be necessary to elaborate that I'm an active hetero as opposed to passive one (ie a straight guy that gets no chicks) since after all straight is straight.

Do you know how stupid you sound when you post shit like this?
The answer is extremely stupid.

vihris: It's not elitism, it's a simple matter of perspective. You're flat out wrong, to be honest, and it really sounds dumb when you post things like that, because it's offensive to those of us who understand end enjoy the more extreme spectrum of metal. You'll notice that nowhere in my post did I say that metal bands focus 100% on production/atmosphere generated ALL THE TIME, so your last point sounds ignorant right off the bat. You don't have to be an expert, no; but you do have to take the time to appreciate it before making baseless generalizations. You're really just wrong, this is tough to argue because what you're arguing seems intensely nonsensical.
Okay - I probably shouldn't be talking shit about something I'm not prepared to go into nauseating detail about (which I'm not), but I'm certainly not trying to offend anyone. Obviously, dissecting music and evaluating its creativity is an interest of mine, and it's something I wish more people on the forums were interested in.

I often challenge people to defend their opinions on the creativity/talent of a band/genre (as I've done with you), and I look forward to seeing their defenses. I have no problem with evaluating some of my favorite bands as having little talent (i.e. Electric Wizard, Sleep, Orange Goblin), and I wish people did more of that here, but it seems like nobody here is willing to make that distinction between talent and enjoyability. Usually it's just "this band is good because I like it".

Maybe it's not fair of me to assume other people like to argue this way. Personally, I don't see any point in labeling bands as "good" or "bad" unless you have some reason for it other than how much you like them. But I guess I'll just have to accept that most people prefer not to criticise the music they like.

As far as our particular argument goes, I'm by no means convinced that I'm wrong, and I don't think you're entitled to call me "ignorant" and "nonsensical" if you're not going to elaborate on your points at all. I did not directly try to offend you with my comments on extreme metal, so I don't appreciate your personal attacks.

If you want to see a more coherent argument of mine on this topic, read this post. To my knowledge, that argument has never been dealt any serious blows by anyone here, so I'm hoping to get some feedback on it before typing up an entirely new one. I'm not sure if you actually want to continue with this, but if you do, let's take it from there.

Again, I'm not trying to offend anyone by criticising extreme metal. I don't mind hearing criticisms of music I like, as long as there's some reasoning behind it. And it's not like I'm trolling or anything, since this is the "controversial opinions on metal" thread after all. If you don't want to debate this, then let's agree to disagree.