Controversial opinions on metal

agoraphobic nosebleed, see you next tuesday(if you consider them grindcore). nasum, pig destroyer, are just some bands that come to mind. maybe its just the fact that i dont like short songs or somthing. but i find most of it tedious

if you can recommend me some good grind bands it would be appreciated though!

I have that problem, too. Just when you start getting into the song, it's over.
I could never get into Xasthur. I like Leviathan and all, but xasthur's kinda... meh. although tbh I only listened to Defective Epitaph and the split with Leviathan.
Actually, almost all suicidal or depressive black metal is really bad and really generic.
Generic meaning that a lot of it sounds very derivative compared to both other bands in its part of the genre and older black metal from the 1990's, particularly Burzum, Bethlehem, Strid and the like. It's not a very original or inspired kind of music for the most part, as much of it is just a direct imitation of music that came before it without offering anything that stands out from tons of other black metal bands, since depressive black metal is a big thing right now. The basement 4-track recording thing has also been beaten to death, and a lot of bands think it's a totally necessary part of recording. There are exceptions, but for the most part, it's definitely not a new or varied kind of music and I'd generally rather just listen to bands that do fresher and more different things if I'm going to listen to newer black metal.

So basically, generic in terms of them perfectly summarizing the definition of the word. I guess it's not automatically a bad thing if you absolutely adore this kind of music and think it's the best thing ever, but it's not one that I'd prefer.
The originality argument doesn't carry a lot of weight for me, unless you're talking about the obvious very obvious Burzum clones, or Silencer ripping off Bethlehem. And if you're holding it against bands for having Burzum as a primary or secondary influence, you might as well stop listening to new black metal.

The funny thing is how many people will bash this style for being unoriginal, but they'll gobble up the next Graveland or Darkthrone retread that brings even less to the table. I'm completely alright with people not liking every type of metal - I certainly don't - but I'd rather not see people try and assert their "superior" tastes by tearing down styles that they simply just don't have a preference for.
Your post demonstrates a lack of understanding for what my post was talking about. Thank you.
Generic meaning that a lot of it sounds very derivative compared to both other bands in its part of the genre and older black metal from the 1990's, particularly Burzum, Bethlehem, Strid and the like. It's not a very original or inspired kind of music for the most part, as much of it is just a direct imitation of music that came before it without offering anything that stands out from tons of other black metal bands, since depressive black metal is a big thing right now. The basement 4-track recording thing has also been beaten to death, and a lot of bands think it's a totally necessary part of recording. There are exceptions, but for the most part, it's definitely not a new or varied kind of music and I'd generally rather just listen to bands that do fresher and more different things if I'm going to listen to newer black metal.

So basically, generic in terms of them perfectly summarizing the definition of the word. I guess it's not automatically a bad thing if you absolutely adore this kind of music and think it's the best thing ever, but it's not one that I'd prefer.
I think that description fits many bands of the style, but there are a significant number that are original and doing new things with the genre. Wedard, Blutklinge, and Gris spring to mind, but there are more.

Admittedly there are plenty of derivative bands that I enjoy, most especially obvious Burzum clones. These bands imo often get overrated by people who are probably unfamiliar with Burzum to see that the ideas are new.

Either way, I had a similar reaction to your post as MasterOLightning so if you could attempt to explain what we have interpreted that would be cool.
If you're really interested in that feeling, you should be looking elsewhere than black metal.
Don't worry, I have
MasterOLightning seems to have only read part of my post, since he's not only assuming that I'm claiming some kind of superiority in music taste, something made explicitly untrue by the last part of my post, but also because he's failing to realize that I'm not saying that they're automatically bad for being influenced by those bands. Rather, I'm saying that many of them are directly heavily derivative of those bands and also other current bands and specific tired musical aesthetics and ideas that nearly every band in that style of music uses. I also plainly said, multiple times, that there are exceptions to my statement.

There are way less bands around nowadays that sound like new Darkthrone or Graveland than any depressive black metal band, so come off that highly pretentious depressive/USBM defender high horse already, MasterOLightning. I'm being sincere and explaining my opinions, so maybe you can do the same instead of just making stupid assumptions and claims when people talk negatively about these kinds of music.

Like I already quite clearly stated, it's fine if people are totally in love with that kind of music, but I'm not and I've already been very fair and thorough in explaining why.
MasterOLightning seems to have only read part of my post, since he's not only assuming that I'm claiming some kind of superiority in music taste, something made explicitly untrue by the last part of my post, but also because he's failing to realize that I'm not saying that they're automatically bad for being influenced by those bands. Rather, I'm saying that many of them are directly heavily derivative of those bands and also other current bands and specific tired musical aesthetics and ideas that nearly every band in that style of music uses. I also plainly said, multiple times, that there are exceptions to my statement.
You came down pretty hard on the style as a whole, while leaving yourself an out by saying there are exceptions. It was awfully heavy on generalizations about the weaker bands in the genre. It's a mad libs argument. Genre/style x sucks because most of the bands are a, b, and c, except for some of them. Such arguments are tiresome because they tend to apply to the bands that no one listens to, which makes up a majority of bands. It's like when people say USBM is a bunch of bedroom lo-fi depressive stuff. Sure, that's a big part, but mostly not the part worth paying attention to.

There are way less bands around nowadays that sound like new Darkthrone or Graveland than any depressive black metal band, so come off that highly pretentious depressive/USBM defender high horse already, MasterOLightning. I'm being sincere and explaining my opinions, so maybe you can do the same instead of just making stupid assumptions and claims when people talk negatively about these kinds of music.
I just get pretty tired of people raining on my parade when I talk about the bands I like. And when in the minority opinion, you have to be a little louder to be heard.
I've said it before but I think most depressive black metal bands out there are indeed awful (though this can definitely be said about black metal in general). I don't find depressive black metal to be even remotely depressing either - the music just drags on, lethargically if anything, and I don't think there's enough substance in the music to keep it interesting. Initially I was intrigued by this style of black metal and enjoyed it but after hearing countless Burzum clones, and bands that really don't offer anything, I've really been turned off by it. Just my opinion, I really can't enjoy this style of black metal much anymore.