Controversial opinions on metal

Nocturnal Poisoning has such crappy production. I think the re-recordings of those songs came out much better. The Funeral of Being had a much better sound while still trying to achieve similar aims, and then the albums after that are going for something different.

I would say the best songs are Conjuration of Terror, Abysmal Depths Are Flooded (one of the most unique melodies I've heard), and Arcane And Misanthropic Projection (great writing).
i have a copy of Subliminal Genocide here have'nt even listened to it yey,maybe i should get around to it
Soul Abduction Ceremony is a great song,listening to 'Tyrant Of Nightmares',right now,bloody good stuff,especially since i have'nt listened to it for ages :)
I agree with this statement. The Prison of Mirrors is my favorite song not off Nocturnal Poisoning.

I'm getting a new computer with my taxes. When I get my black metal stuff recorded I was gonna do a cover of The Prison of Mirrors. We'll see how that goes.

EDIT: On second thought, 'A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors' may be a better choice. I think I'd feel better doing that.

Beyond Sanctorum: decently written, adequately played, and about as exciting as watching paint dry.

I don't see how Beyond Sanctorum can be mentioned in the same breath as Nespithe, Slumber of Sullen Eyes, Like An Ever Flowing Stream, etc etc

Agree, but I don't know about the adequately played part. Maybe adequately played for what he was going for, but far from hearing any hints of virtuosity.
Adequacy and virtuosity have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Adequacy merely implies that something is being done at a suitable but fairly standard level.