Controversial opinions on metal

I gave a perfectly solid reason. His voice cracking and showing signs of vocal strain on the album is not and could never be an opinion. Sorry if you think that it is, but that really makes no sense at all.
Yes, it is a different vocal style on that album than he previously used, but I don't recall ever saying that it wasn't and don't see how that changes anything that I said.
You said his growl was weaker. What he's doing is not a growl, it's a scream. Different technique, meaning you can't really compare them in terms of strength. Deep growls just always sound more powerful than screams.

Except Jari from Wintersun, who has a really fullthroated scream.
I gave a perfectly solid reason. His voice cracking and showing signs of vocal strain on the album is not and could never be an opinion. Sorry if you think that it is, but that really makes no sense at all.
No, you didn't. His voice is NOT strained before TSOP. The very idea is just preposterous, seeing how much power he puts into his vocals.
No, you didn't. His voice is NOT strained before TSOP. The very idea is just preposterous, seeing how much power he puts into his vocals.

I don't recall saying that his voice sounds strained before The Sound of Perseverance. However, it obviously sounds strained on that album, and it noticeably cracks and trails off into weaker screaming numerous times during the album's duration. "Bite the Pain" is maybe the very best example.

I'm waiting for you to actually read what I say before you try to argue with me about things that aren't opinions although they contribute to my opinions on a particular album, but you have yet to successfully do that.
I'm waiting for you to actually read what I say before you try to argue with me about things that aren't opinions although they contribute to my opinions on a particular album, but you have yet to successfully do that.
Well, I saw that coming. To sum this up, no matter what I say you'll protest with 'But u didnt read it!!!' in increasingly arrogant ways. In short, may you be shoved into a human-sized meat-grinder. This isn't worth my time.
It's a good thing that I provided a perfectly good example of how you misunderstood what I was saying in the very post itself. Nice cop-out response, dude. You repeatedly tried to insult me in your argument, so I fail to see how I'm the one being arrogant or immature anyway, since I didn't do the same.

Now unless anyone else wants to argue about this and misread what I'm saying and think it applies to any album aside from The Sound of Perseverance, I'm done.
It's a good thing that I provided a perfectly good example of how you misunderstood what I was saying in the very post itself. Nice cop-out response, dude. You repeatedly tried to insult me in your argument, so I fail to see how I'm the one being arrogant or immature anyway, since I didn't do the same.
What, so it's a copout if I don't want to participate in the circular argument that would entail? I've seen what happens when an argument ends up happening with you, and I don't want to deal with the bullshit. Sorry if that disappoints you.
Alright enough with the Death talk already. The only thing i feel when i listen to Drudkh is the desire to put on Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. I'm really not into the hype this band gets, because i think their music relies way too much on being introvert and a "dwelling in ancient obscurity"-feeling, without the real edge and distinctness that Burzums music had while still keeping that introvert and obscure feeling. It just circles on and on without any real goal. They have their moments, but i think they're way overrated.
Forgotten Legends is the best thing they've done. Don't let people tell you Autumn Aurora is better. It's not. FL compares very favorably with anything from Burzum. The songs do resolve strongly here, namely Forests in Fire and Gold, their best composition. Drudkh does a good job of pacing and varying drum beats; better than most bands of the style.

Blood In Our Wells is the next most notable release of theirs. The amount of folky melodies is not excessive, and not the kind of thing I would substitute Burzum for. This release is more about triumphant passages and epic feeling (as horribly overused as that term is). I do not feel the goal was at all the same as previous works. A distinct willingness to include guitar solos and headbang-worthy riffs does not strike me as introverted or obscure.
ukrainian bm is generally very flashy i find, it tends to wow your ears off their feet initially but then just kind of dissipates with time. good, mind, just doesn't hold the key to the pantheon of greats. i agree forgotten legends is drudkh's high watermark.
What's flashy? Drudkh and like...Nokturnal Mortum? Hardly most of the stuff or enough to make a generalization like that. I guess Dub Buk could be considered like this too, but still. Semargl is really good, I need to look into them more.
Blood In Our Wells has some great fucking guitar work with some pretty fast, catchy leads but I would not call them flashy by any means or over-the-top.
ukrainian bm is generally very flashy i find, it tends to wow your ears off their feet initially but then just kind of dissipates with time. good, mind, just doesn't hold the key to the pantheon of greats. i agree forgotten legends is drudkh's high watermark.
I don't think Drudkh is flashy at all. Nokturnal Mortum is to a degree I guess, but they totally hold their water over time. I can see your reasoning with bands like Dub Buk or Kroda though, which I don't listen to much anymore even though they aren't bad.
Forgotten Legends is the best thing they've done. Don't let people tell you Autumn Aurora is better. It's not. FL compares very favorably with anything from Burzum. The songs do resolve strongly here, namely Forests in Fire and Gold, their best composition. Drudkh does a good job of pacing and varying drum beats; better than most bands of the style.

Blood In Our Wells is the next most notable release of theirs. The amount of folky melodies is not excessive, and not the kind of thing I would substitute Burzum for. This release is more about triumphant passages and epic feeling (as horribly overused as that term is). I do not feel the goal was at all the same as previous works. A distinct willingness to include guitar solos and headbang-worthy riffs does not strike me as introverted or obscure.

Forgotten Legends, Autumn Aurora and Songs Of Grief And Solitude are the ones i have, i bought them all at the same time. I think they all lack something to make the repetitive style really work. False Dawn and Summoning The Rain are a few songs i think do work, but most of it just feels stale instead of trancelike to me. Songs Of Grief And Solitude is a completely different story of course, but i like quite a few songs from there, like The Milky Way, and it has some killer textbook artwork.
False Dawn may be the best Drudkh song ever.

Edit: but Autumn Aurora feels more complete as an album to me. Every song on it blends nicely into each other and really is more atmospheric. I always get a more uplifting feeling from it rather than the more depressive atmosphere Burzum is creating. Like standing in the october sun and watching the colors play out or something like that. :p