Controversial opinions on metal

I feel like if it was a different band some people would be singing a different song about it than they are. Not all, but some.

I definitely agree with you.
Say, had it been a debut album by another band.
Because in that event there would be no back catalogue to compare it to.
Or an album by a generally well-received band which was not as blindly worshipped. Chuck's oversized ego and overly zealous fans condemned the band to ridicule by many.
The thing I don't understand is why Spiritual Healing doesn't get more love tbh. It's pure well-written classy death metal that lacks the immaturity of the first two albums, and it preceded the descent into progressive technical wankery.

Love the title track on that album. Easily one of my favorite songs of theirs. It's kinda pointless to call it a transitional record since most Death albums are a pretty clear transition between what preceded and followed, but yeah it definitely stands out as the moment where they really started moving forward into more technical writing while keeping one foot in the rawness of their early recordings.
when it comes to Death I mostly like the first 3 though there are things on the other albums I like as well... just not nearly as much.
Check out the thread title. People like you getting butthurt about opinions is not what this is for. It's about expressing contrarian, controversial opinions to see how insane we are. And then we battle it out.

I wasn't complaining because I'm 'butthurt' over your remarks, I was just saying that this is one topic that's been beaten to death over the course of this thread.
I definitely agree with you.
Say, had it been a debut album by another band.
Because in that event there would be no back catalogue to compare it to.
Or an album by a generally well-received band which was not as blindly worshipped. Chuck's oversized ego and overly zealous fans condemned the band to ridicule by many.
I agree with this. All the other albums had a very clear progression, and TSOP really broke the mold, whether for good or bad. Contrary to what yo may think I don't much like the album apart from a few greats, but I very much see why other people would like it, and will defend their viewpoint from the blind hate it seems to get.

Also, in before Ozz insults Death's best album.
TSOP is by no means progressive thrash, and even if you were just using thrash as an expressive term there, there's just way too much pointless herking-and-jerking on that album, it gets pretty damn annoying. Also Chuck sounds like total shit (not to mention he absolutely destroyed Painkiller...goddamn) most of the time, including total voice-cracks in Bite the Pain! Anyway, I like listening to Spirit Crusher and Voice of the Soul here and there, but most of the album sounds like poo to me.

After repeated listens I find most of the music excessively long, with a couple awesome moments here and there (post-chorus of Flesh And The Power It Holds, chorus of Spirit Crusher, etc). Mostly I listen to that album for the lead guitar. Symbolic, however, has none of those flaws.
Check out the thread title. People like you getting butthurt about opinions is not what this is for. It's about expressing contrarian, controversial opinions to see how insane we are. And then we battle it out.

Then this process repeats itself.

Been doing that for 376 pages.

Atheist has some of the best bass in all of extreme metal.