Houses Ov Mercury
Well, no, it's not that. It's that most of Death's songs just sound like they're trying to do too much random shit, as best evinced on a great majority of TSOP.
The same can be said about the majority of technical DM, even the earliest examples of said style(pioneering bands such as Atrocity and Gorguts), but due to the large cult following they've been romanticized to such great heights, making these bands more resistant to regular scrutiny.Well, no, it's not that. It's that most of Death's songs just sound like they're trying to do too much random shit, as best evinced on a great majority of TSOP.
Scream Bloody Gore can't be praised enough, by the way. Just throwing that out there.
The same can be said about the majority of technical DM, even the earliest examples of said style(pioneering bands such as Atrocity and Gorguts), but due to the large cult following they've been romanticized to such great heights, making these bands more resistant to regular scrutiny.
Not really. Obscura's entire point was to be bizarre and disturbing. It succeeded. It IS surreal, fucked up death metal. It sounds like it was composed by a schizophrenic with a shitload of musical knowledge and enough instruments to make it work for some reason. Later Death just sounds like total shit with horrible vocals, incredibly bad transitions, Richard Christy overdrumming every 3 seconds, Chuck not knowing when to stop lubricating his hands so he can masturbate and slide up and down the fretboard for no real contextual reason, etc.
Of course, your point is totally valid.Chuck Schuldiner is such an overrated faggot. It's not that his whole output sucks; it's that too many noobs suck his cock like he's the second coming of Christ or something.
Really, Leprosy and Human and Symbolic, and arguably some other stuff is good (not ITP), but noobs get such a boner over TSOP, when the band crammed just as many ideas into half the space on Human.
I find it hard to be motivated enough to listen to a band for the
first time,that has a really sucky name.
Okay. You don't like it. Some of us do. They're just opinions. Can we finally move past this instead of arguing about it every three pages?
The thing I don't understand is why Spiritual Healing doesn't get more love tbh. It's pure well-written classy death metal that lacks the immaturity of the first two albums, and it preceded the descent into progressive technical wankery.