Controversial opinions on metal

Well, no, it's not that. It's that most of Death's songs just sound like they're trying to do too much random shit, as best evinced on a great majority of TSOP.
TSOP is definitely not more than an alright album and trying to defend its obvious flaws just weakens any case you might try to make for Human, since it shows a pretty clear case of fanboyism
TSOP just shows a massive amount of redundancy. Every song could be half the length and not miss much. It's super repetitive. Human at least crams the songs into a reasonable length. The pacing is way better there, and even on Symbolic to a degree, although that drags as well. I agree that this is a structurally boring band. I mean, it's a really safe bet that the title of the song is whatever Chuck shouts during the chorus.

I like Death, but their fanboys need to be knocked down a peg.
Well, no, it's not that. It's that most of Death's songs just sound like they're trying to do too much random shit, as best evinced on a great majority of TSOP.
The same can be said about the majority of technical DM, even the earliest examples of said style(pioneering bands such as Atrocity and Gorguts), but due to the large cult following they've been romanticized to such great heights, making these bands more resistant to regular scrutiny.
The same can be said about the majority of technical DM, even the earliest examples of said style(pioneering bands such as Atrocity and Gorguts), but due to the large cult following they've been romanticized to such great heights, making these bands more resistant to regular scrutiny.

Not really. Obscura's entire point was to be bizarre and disturbing. It succeeded. It IS surreal, fucked up death metal. It sounds like it was composed by a schizophrenic with a shitload of musical knowledge and enough instruments to make it work for some reason. Later Death just sounds like total shit with horrible vocals, incredibly bad transitions, Richard Christy overdrumming every 3 seconds, Chuck not knowing when to stop lubricating his hands so he can masturbate and slide up and down the fretboard for no real contextual reason, etc.
Man, I must not have the attention span anymore to indulge my ears in the technical marvel that is Obscura,(Clouded is a fucking tremendous track, though, I'd give you that. ) and frankly, I don't quite understand why it gets all the attention over the doomier and more meditative From Wisdom to Hate. The latter just sounds better composed to me, it's not as long and grating, and the pacing of the material is better. I guess it's because the latter is not as fucked up.

As for TSOP, I have nothing to really counter your argument with, you've obviously made up your mind about its shittiness. The album has tremendous nostalgic value for me and not having heard it in years I find myself enjoying it immensely. It does have its duds, though.I'm not quite fond of Spirit Crusher, Bite the Pain and the Judas Priest cover. The rest is very solid and mostly well-paced material, at least during the doomier/slower passages.
Not really. Obscura's entire point was to be bizarre and disturbing. It succeeded. It IS surreal, fucked up death metal. It sounds like it was composed by a schizophrenic with a shitload of musical knowledge and enough instruments to make it work for some reason. Later Death just sounds like total shit with horrible vocals, incredibly bad transitions, Richard Christy overdrumming every 3 seconds, Chuck not knowing when to stop lubricating his hands so he can masturbate and slide up and down the fretboard for no real contextual reason, etc.

Okay. You don't like it. Some of us do. They're just opinions. Can we finally move past this instead of arguing about it every three pages?
Chuck Schuldiner is such an overrated faggot. It's not that his whole output sucks; it's that too many noobs suck his cock like he's the second coming of Christ or something. There is absolutely nothing in Chuck's later output that was not done better by Atheist, Cynic, Atrocity, etc.
Chuck Schuldiner is such an overrated faggot. It's not that his whole output sucks; it's that too many noobs suck his cock like he's the second coming of Christ or something.
Of course, your point is totally valid.
All popular bands/artists have their share of rabid fans and as counterbalance to the fanboyism running rampant, just as many fanatical haters, who may not hate the music as much as being upset by the thought that what they deem subpar gets so much critical acclaim. Hence the extreme backlash.
It's true for any form of art, not just music.
Just pay a visit to and look at the fiery debates that are conducted there. For instance, over popular art-house movies getting discussed there, with one camp salivating over the artistic achievements of say, Hanneke while the other equates him to an overly patronizing piece of shit. I'm in the second boat, personally. :p
Every talent has an equal number of both siders and detractors.
Really, Leprosy and Human and Symbolic, and arguably some other stuff is good (not ITP), but noobs get such a boner over TSOP, when the band crammed just as many ideas into half the space on Human.

The thing I don't understand is why Spiritual Healing doesn't get more love tbh. It's pure well-written classy death metal that lacks the immaturity of the first two albums, and it preceded the descent into progressive technical wankery.
Okay. You don't like it. Some of us do. They're just opinions. Can we finally move past this instead of arguing about it every three pages?

Check out the thread title. People like you getting butthurt about opinions is not what this is for. It's about expressing contrarian, controversial opinions to see how insane we are. And then we battle it out.
The thing I don't understand is why Spiritual Healing doesn't get more love tbh. It's pure well-written classy death metal that lacks the immaturity of the first two albums, and it preceded the descent into progressive technical wankery.

Spiritual Healing is their best album imo. It's the perfect blend of being very much old school Death Metal while also being complex interesting and pushing the genre forward. I would say Human is the bands prime/peak and both are 'the' death albums. I have not heard ITP in awile and still remember it being a lot better than Symbolic and TSOP.
I used to think Human was mediocre. Upon more listens I found that this is not the case. Only gripe I have is the bass volume. Non-existent. It's now my favorite Death album with Scream Bloody Gore right behind it. I still need to get Spiritual Healing though.
I think Spiritual Healing through to ITP are the best Death albums, with Human being my personal favourite. As for the other ones, there's some good tracks on Symbolic and Leprosy is nostalgic for me as it was my first death metal album.