Controversial opinions on metal

Headless Cross is complete shit. Only worthwhile song is When Death Calls.

If we're looking for a "good" Martin-era album, it's Cross Purposes. Anybody who says HC or Tyr gets a tit-punch from me.
'Dehumanizer' isn't very interesting to me at all..most of it is really unmemorable, it plods in the *bad* way, Dio's voice is grating in that style all the time, and it sounds like someone throwing around pots and pans in the desert, the production completely strips away any atmosphere or feeling. I'm still all about 'Heaven and Hell' as best Dio era album.

oh, and the problem with 'Headless Cross' is about 3-4 songs on it sound the same, but there's still more good stuff than just 'When Death Calls', though I'll agree that's the best one on it.
Holy crap. The Butt and The Ozzman are now officially not allowed to have opinions on Black Sabbath albums.
'Dehumanizer' isn't very interesting to me at all..most of it is really unmemorable, it plods in the *bad* way, Dio's voice is grating in that style all the time, and it sounds like someone throwing around pots and pans in the desert, the production completely strips away any atmosphere or feeling. I'm still all about 'Heaven and Hell' as best Dio era album.
I only really liked Neon Knights and Die Young on that album. And I think the production on Dehumanizer is superb, so we're on completely different ends of the spectrum here I guess. :lol:

oh, and the problem with 'Headless Cross' is about 3-4 songs on it sound the same, but there's still more good stuff than just 'When Death Calls', though I'll agree that's the best one on it.
The title track is alright too... but any more than those two songs, just really grates the nerves.

It doesn't help that the album has that godawful stereotypical 80's production. Immense gated reverb on the drums.

And there's not a lot of distinction between instruments, and a muddy and awful guitar tone.

Omni: Come here, get your tit-punch.
If you seriously think that the production on Headless Cross is muddy and offers little distinction between the instruments, you're pretty deaf. The drumming has a lot of reverb, but nothing else about it is difficult to hear or worth complaining over.
If you seriously think that the production on Headless Cross is muddy and offers little distinction between the instruments, you're pretty deaf.


Headless Cross is pretty much the only Sabbath album where I can't hear the bass, tbh. That is, when it's not playing by itself. Each instrument just sounds so wishy-washy and blended together.
Holy crap. The Butt and The Ozzman are now officially not allowed to have opinions on Black Sabbath albums.

And neither are you if you think Headless Cross is better than any Dio-era album.

If you seriously think that the production on Headless Cross is muddy and offers little distinction between the instruments, you're pretty deaf. The drumming has a lot of reverb, but nothing else about it is difficult to hear or worth complaining over.

It might not be "muddy" per se, but it sure is lifeless and stale compared to the Ozzy and early Dio albums. Not to mention that most of the songs pretty much epitomise generic '80s metal.
Dehumanizer is pretty average. Heaven & Hell and Mob Rules are so much better.

Headless Cross is pretty much the only Sabbath album where I can't hear the bass, tbh. That is, when it's not playing by itself. Each instrument just sounds so wishy-washy and blended together.

Well, considering the fact that I can easily hear it, the only conclusion that I'm able to reach is that you're hard of hearing.
And neither are you if you think Headless Cross is better than any Dio-era album.

Tbh, the idea of a Martin-era album in general being better than a Dio-era one is preposterous. Much less Headless Cross, the worst of the bunch.

Well, considering the fact that I can easily hear it, the only conclusion that I'm able to reach is that you're hard of hearing.

The Butt is called The Butt for a reason.

Dio-Sabbath is tremendously overrated and pretty much everything else Sabbath did with every other singer is better than the Dio-fronted stuff. The only thing Dio was involved in that really rules is Rainbow.

Also Cross Purposes is so blatantly the worst Tony Martin-Sabbath album that it's not even funny, and people who don't think Headless Cross is at least one of the best non-Ozzy(/non-Dio for faggots)-Sabbath albums are just stupid. And Born Again and Seventh Star rule. Fuck you shitted-opinion people.