Controversial opinions on metal

I don't like Black Sabbath, Dio, Judas Priest, Metallica or Megadeth. The only Slayer I can listen to is the first few releases.

I know, I fail. : )
Om is, overall, better than Sleep.

However, Sleep's Holy Mountain is better than anything Om has done with the exception of the song At Giza.
I don't like Black Sabbath, Dio, Judas Priest, Metallica or Megadeth. The only Slayer I can listen to is the first few releases.

I know, I fail. : )

Well Slayer's first few releases are their best so you don't fail then. Even though everything up to Seasons is awesome, and even Christ Illusion is good. And their newest song sounds promising also
A big shop I occasionally frequent files Sleep albums under "rock" rather than in the metal section. They have smart people working there.

Not really, they're clearly a metal band. Something like Volume One is pure doom. Holy Mountain is more groovy and blues influenced, but so is almost all stoner doom, and come on - you're not going to seriously try and sell Dopesmoker off as a rock album are you?

I always found Om pretty boring tbh.

Fair enough, they're a rather "not much going on" band, but I love their style.

I liked Pilgrimage a lot but something felt incomplete about it. I have not heard anything else though by them yet.

That album was incredibly flawed, but I do urge you to check out Conference of the Birds at the very least as well as Variations on a Theme.

Inerrant Rays of the Infallible Sun (Blackship Shrinebuilder) is probably their second best release though. Amazing split with Current 93.

Their split with Six Organs of Admittance is great too.
Not really, they're clearly a metal band. Something like Volume One is pure doom. Holy Mountain is more groovy and blues influenced, but so is almost all stoner doom, and come on - you're not going to seriously try and sell Dopesmoker off as a rock album are you?

your a master of sarcasm, I can tell.
Well Slayer's first few releases are their best so you don't fail then. Even though everything up to Seasons is awesome, and even Christ Illusion is good. And their newest song sounds promising also

Christ Illusion is one of those albums where you can fool yourself into thinking it's good because you really, really want Slayer to be good again, but it's just not.
The new Slayer song sounded like Slayer really want to be good again, but they can't figure out how they did it.
one thing I don't understand about metal messageboards is somehow its ok to dis bands like Napalm Death and Brutal Truth but as soon as someone disses on Iron Maiden you all cry like a bunch of babies.
Dude, you're the one being the tremendous FUCKING baby all the god damn time. Every single fucking time anybody in the world ever says anything negative about a grind-influenced band, you respond with something like "hey fuck you! I like grindcore DUR DUR DUR." Maybe for once you could just shut up. That'd be a nifty trick you can show off to your girlfriend.
one thing I don't understand about metal messageboards is somehow its ok to dis bands like Napalm Death and Brutal Truth but as soon as someone disses on Iron Maiden you all cry like a bunch of babies.

This is a generalization but usually it seams people into extreme metal can appreciate classic metal bands, but the people only into those classic bands can't stand and/or don't respect extreme metal.
This is a generalization but usually it seams people into extreme metal can appreciate classic metal bands, but the people only into those classic bands can't stand and/or don't respect extreme metal.

yeah, except I was one of those people that liked extreme metal and hated most of the classic bands. I didn't grow up listening to Iron Maiden. my favorite bands in high school were Motorhead, Black Flag and Discharge. I got into metal assbackwards, starting with stuff like Napalm Death and working my way towards more melodic stuff.
Dude, you're the one being the tremendous FUCKING baby all the god damn time. Every single fucking time anybody in the world ever says anything negative about a grind-influenced band, you respond with something like "hey fuck you! I like grindcore DUR DUR DUR." Maybe for once you could just shut up. That'd be a nifty trick you can show off to your girlfriend.

Flawless victory. :lol:

Points for mentioning the girlfriend.
You sound gay actually. I bet you'd give them all fancy hair styles ang get them to play emo songs and be like "right, bang up to date huhuh" in a really camp voice.

Nah. Their "YOU GOTTA WEAR LEATHER AND STUDS NAO!" attitude is what I don't like, along with their "onstage antics", the regular late 70s/early 80s "lets look like we're rocking out, lets get the guitarists and the basist to stand in a row at the front of the stage all moving in rhythm and do other pre-meditated shit that is "old school" stuff" Just be yourself. Worked for a bunch of other bands. The leather attitude is ok, if not overly done and doesn't make you look like a douche. You don't have to wear leather if you're in a metal band. God bless if you do, but there isn't an obligation stating that you MUST. Just shit like that, is what I dont like abour priest. I find them unjustly overrated too. There's been more talented bands over the years, and nobody gave a hoot about them.

Anyway, if you like Priest, more power to you. I don't, and I'm just speaking out about it. If you do, god bless. :kickass:
Nah. Their "YOU GOTTA WEAR LEATHER AND STUDS NAO!" attitude is what I don't like, along with their "onstage antics", the regular late 70s/early 80s "lets look like we're rocking out, lets get the guitarists and the basist to stand in a row at the front of the stage all moving in rhythm and do other pre-meditated shit that is "old school" stuff" Just be yourself. Worked for a bunch of other bands. The leather attitude is ok, if not overly done and doesn't make you look like a douche. You don't have to wear leather if you're in a metal band. God bless if you do, but there isn't an obligation stating that you MUST. Just shit like that, is what I dont like abour priest. I find them unjustly overrated too. There's been more talented bands over the years, and nobody gave a hoot about them.

Anyway, if you like Priest, more power to you. I don't, and I'm just speaking out about it. If you do, god bless. :kickass:

I like their stage show it amuses me. I totally disagree in every way and hate it when bands try really hard to look like average joes and don't do fuck all on stage. I paid to a see a show not some fucking boring cunts looking around like they've taken too many beatings in their life.