Orion Crystal Ice
Rider of the Astral Fire
pretty much yuck, but then I'm currently reliving my youth watching Offspring videos on YouTube....so..
It got Witches Brew and The Ninth Wave though, which both are better than Necropolis!What are your favorites? Crystal Logic is alright but most of the songs feel pretty repetitive and the vocalist is a nasally fuck. Open the Gates feels pretty much the same, but with no Necropolis which automatically makes it worse.
I think (only talking about the old albums now, haven't bothered to check out all the new stuff by the bands) Destruction > Kreator > Sodom. Kreator is also so much better than Sodom live (haven't seen Destruction). Still think all of the bands kick major ass though.I agree with the Kreator comment. I find older Sodom and Destruction to be better quality thrash
Kreator > Destruction > Sodom, with Kreator way out in front and Sodom way behind.
God a lot of you are true scum, how can you not bang the head that doesn't bang to stuff like RIPPING CORPSE ATTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK or TOTAL DET!