Controversial opinions on metal

Clean vocals > screaming

Depends. I hate the style of clean vocals popular with scene bands, and I hate their screaming too.

Classic metal and rock clean singing I like. Decent harsh vocals are ok, but they are rarely a big part of why I like the music.
never really got into Destruction or Sodom, they both have some great albums though.

but nothing comes close to Kreator.
Never listened to any destruction, being the thrash n00b that I am. Recommend me some shit, lads and lasses.

And as much as I love both bands, Sodom > Kreator. Persecution Mania alone beats out anything Kreator ever did.
Depends. I hate the style of clean vocals popular with scene bands, and I hate their screaming too.

Classic metal and rock clean singing I like. Decent harsh vocals are ok, but they are rarely a big part of why I like the music.

Pretty much. Bad clean vocals can bring an album down a lot more then bad harsh vocals would bring an album down.

Also, Kreator>Sodom

Then again, all I have is Persecution Mania from Sodom.
Ok, so a friend just finished listening to The Reek of Putrefaction and immediately announced:

"Man, I'm hungry!"

We've had a recent string of dead prostitutes turning up. Should I report this to the police?

I'm going to start calling you Yellow Horse, because that's what your name means.

i.e. basic, getting the job done but no frills, no real art.

Gonna restate my standing conviction that Led Zeppelin may just me the most colossally overrated group of hacks ever, and just because Jimmy Page is an excellent guitarist doesn't make them a worthwhile band.