Controversial opinions on metal

Sodom > Destruction > Kreator

More specifically:

In the Sign of Evil > Infernal Overkill > Flag of Hate > Pleasure to Kill > Obsessed by Cruelty European version > Sentence of Death > Persecution Mania > Agent Orange > everything else
Hordes of Chaos grinds M-16 so far into the ground it's not funny. I dug M-16, btw, but the second half kinda blows.

I like Kreator, but I like Sodom's sound better atm. I really don't see how the second half blows, unless you are counting the last 2 bonus songs. Surfin Bird being on there is funny to me, but if you don't find it funny I guess that would be chalked up as bad.
Is it really that hard to look something up? They tell you to do it in school nowadays when you don't know what something means. WAIF even explained it half a page up.

competent and skillful but not outstanding or original
Hrm, let's see...

-Godsmacks's first album is great.
-Likewise with System of a Down's first album.
-Incubus' Fungus Amongus and S.C.I.E.N.C.E., while not metal, are pretty amazing given that Incubus is now a complete shit pop band.
-Nightwish isn't all bad.
-Not all electronic music blows (ambient, psychedelic trance & big beat are all pretty solid)
-I'm fond of a few Dragonfoce songs.
-Most Black metal sucks not for their image/music, but rather due to the terrible production of their albums. It would be nice to be able to hear the notes and/or not have a headache for listening to the music for only a few minutes.
-Zakk Wylde entirely overuses guitar squeals. (this may be popular opinion)
-Megadeth Blows. Mustaine is a terrible songwriter.
This is more related to the discussion a few pages back, but I like Averse Sefira and Deathspell Omega, including the newer work of both bands. Initially, I liked Deathspell Omega's newer music more, but as I've listened more, I've decided that Averse Sefira's last two albums are much better than the recent Deathspell Omega material. Both bands are similar in some ways, but I find Deathspell Omega shares a lot of traits with Gorguts and makes their influence apparent, while Averse Sefira sounds like they were influenced by Immolation.
This is more related to the discussion a few pages back, but I like Averse Sefira and Deathspell Omega, including the newer work of both bands. Initially, I liked Deathspell Omega's newer music more, but as I've listened more, I've decided that Averse Sefira's last two albums are much better than the recent Deathspell Omega material. Both bands are similar in some ways, but I find Deathspell Omega shares a lot of traits with Gorguts and makes their influence apparent, while Averse Sefira sounds like they were influenced by Immolation.

Building off this, I've recently come to full terms with the fact that the reason I like DSO much more than AS (and dislike the Dead Congregation album to some extent, even though I find it good to listen to here and there; EP is better though imo ;)) is because I like Gorguts much more than Immolation/Incantation, which DC and AS very clearly derive huge influence from. "Chaining the Katechon" is fucking awesome, and so is Fas.
Hrm, let's see...

-Godsmacks's first album is great.

Almost the worst band ever.

-Likewise with System of a Down's first album.

Almost the most irritating band ever.

-Nightwish isn't all bad.

Nightwish has a good deal of great songs despite a lot of the last 2-3 albums being pretty band. I've always held 'Oceanborn' very close.

-Not all electronic music blows (ambient, psychedelic trance & big beat are all pretty solid)

I love me some good EBM myself.

-I'm fond of a few Dragonfoce songs.

Every once in a while I'll throw in 'Valley of the Damned' and remember when they could write pretty good songs.

-Most Black metal sucks not for their image/music, but rather due to the terrible production of their albums. It would be nice to be able to hear the notes and/or not have a headache for listening to the music for only a few minutes.

I would disagree and instead argue that due to the constraints within the boundaries of the genre, there is a wide and imbalanced separation of suck and brilliance from band to band. In other words, good black metal is almost always really really good, partially because it's a bit harder to squeeze water out of that particular stone, but in return you have to search through more junk to get to it.

-Zakk Wylde entirely overuses guitar squeals. (this may be popular opinion)

Zakk and BLS are teh suckkk.

-Megadeth Blows. Mustaine is a terrible songwriter.

I would agree present tense but not past.
Electronic music is great, as long as you listen to the right stuff. However, this thread is about metal.
I am just getting into Electronic. Though I have not dug too deep, the sound I really dig is dubstep, some early house, and IDM. I can see myself digging deeper and deeper into this sound. Also,you are a fool, speaking to this whole forum, if yo have not heard Untrue.
Gonna restate my standing conviction that Led Zeppelin may just me the most colossally overrated group of hacks ever, and just because Jimmy Page is an excellent guitarist doesn't make them a worthwhile band.

Overrated, yes, but the title of the most colossally overrated group ever belongs to the Beatles and them alone.