Controversial opinions on metal

I wouldn't say I like everything (since Burn the Priest is pretty aweful) but they have definitely been getting better and better. I don't see why they are so disliked unless it is the lack of kvltness.

Been listening to Wrath today, pretty solid album, it lacks a killer track like Walk with Me in Hell and Redneck, but over all it is better than Sacrament.

I found BTP to be one of their best. In fact, I think the exact opposite of this post. They peaked with NAG and have slowly descended since then. Though, I have no heard all of Wrath yet... bought it today, though.
Really, I thought Contractor was the worst track. It was boring as fuck for me... up until 1:40, at which point it got really good. Then back to being shit, not too long after. :erk:

I've revised my opinion a bit, actually. I like Contractor from 1:40 onward, but In Your Words and Set To Fail are much better than I thought at first listen. Wrath is really a surprisingly solid album, I'm glad I checked it out.
Led Zeppelin is good, but AC/DC seems pointless to me, and their songs lack any quality that would allow me to forgive them for being so repetitive through the years.
i hate agreeing with you, Acdc are indeed obnoxiously repetitive. Honestly every time i hear their songs(whether Classic Rock station etc) it IMMEDIATELY gets turned the fuck off.
You all continue to miss the entire point of AC/DC, which is that they rock like mother-loving fuck and therefore do not need any of this diversity you keep demanding of them.
BMD is emotinal as fuck! It is sad that Renkse couldn't do the vocals on it, he is the best. Not sure if his vocals would fit the more calm style of BMD though.

Yes it is emotional. I am not arguing that. But it does not carry the same level of raw emotion that DoDS does.

And no his vocals wouldn't fit.
Okay, first off I don't dislike Manilla Road. I just don't think they're stellar. Crystal Logic's a thoroughly good album, but there are several parts that just don't grab me on either a "wow, beautiful music" level or a "fuck yeah, this rocks" level. As I said, I'd like to see you or someone else try to articulate what it is that's so great about them.

Secondly, I'm not trying to say that AC/DC are one of the greatest bands ever. Obviously they're stupid and simplistic. But they're still loads of fun to listen to if you can go into it without expecting a J.S. Bach suite or something.
You all continue to miss the entire point of AC/DC, which is that they rock like mother-loving fuck and therefore do not need any of this diversity you keep demanding of them.

I don't care about diversity, I love Amon Amarth and Motorhead. But AC/DC write boring, mid-tempo stuff with no force or drive and each song is saturated with this sense of immense self-satisfaction. Also the riffs blow.
Except that most of their stuff fails at even that.

Well they've definitely had a few lackluster/boring albums, but everything from '77 to '80 rules, along with a couple of the later ones.

I don't care about diversity, I love Amon Amarth and Motorhead. But AC/DC write boring, mid-tempo stuff with no force or drive and each song is saturated with this sense of immense self-satisfaction. Also the riffs blow.

Well given your apparent deafness to all the quality riffage of Led Zeppelin, I'm not too concerned about your opinion there. And I don't know how you've come to the conclusion that their music lacks drive, other than that you seem to equate "mid-tempo" with "boring". At their peak, they had rock-solid drumming and guitar tone.
well i wouldn't say i hate it but i don't really like it either... the funny thing about punk is that they have this 'rebellious' attitude and all and the music itself is so cutesy.
Cutesy is definitely not one of the words I'd use to describe that song.
Here's one for you: I don't think Alters of Madness is really all that good. Aside from a few tracks, mainly Immortal Rites and Maze of Torment, there's little that I actually find memorable on the album - most of it is just sort of there. I mean, I can appreciate the history of it, but it doesn't grab me the way something like Consuming Impulse or Human does.