Controversial opinions on metal

How eloquently rebutted.
Well, tbh, it was an idiotic point. It's like saying you can't like Iron Maiden if you don't like Genesis. And also, I question that Bathory were heavily influenced by Zeppelin. Tbh usually people accuse Hammerheart of ripping off Manowar.
Ditto. This says nothing about the music.
The music wasn't relevant to that point so...
Also, I mentioned the music was crap. Happy?

Drumming is not part of the music? Bonham was one of the first outside of jazz to play drums not just as a metronome but like a lead instrument.
Music: what you get when you put all the instruments together. You can have tedious music with great drumming.

I can understand people not having a taste for Plant but on that basis you'd have a hard time enjoying Priest, Maiden and most power metal.
My problem isn't that he sings high, my problem is his colossally annoying voice. So, no, actually, I have no problem enjoying Priest, Maiden, and most power metal.

You obviously haven't listened much then because 'Dazed and Confused' is only one of the most famous basslines ever.
Is that the one where Plant moans until I hit the skip button? I think I might have let that play out once because I wasn't paying attention, but I honestly can't recall the bassline.

Congratulations on citing an internet source which you don't understand. Those allegations can basically be dismissed by one of the following:
1. 'plagiarism' was commonplace in blues and not considered objectionable.
2.Choose any of the heavier rock albums of the period and look at the number of covers (Jeff Beck, Yardbirds etc)
3. the majority of those songs were radically altered
4. those songs were basically Zep's formative period as they carved out a new style and really were not those that made them famous.
Okay, that's great. Of course, considering Zep's reputation as being innovative, I consider this significant. However, if you'd read the whole post you would have noticed the part where I took back "hacks."

vihris-gari said:
I like how you mention turning Zeppelin off after 3 minutes. As in, you've already made up your mind about the band before actually making any attempt at appreciating their music.
Actually, I meant I can't really listen to his voice for more than three minutes. I've made multiple attempts to get into them, and have about 8 hours of their stuff on my comp my friend lent me, maybe half of which I've listened to.

Really, there's just no defense for such an epic fail at hard rock opinions as those quoted above. If you can't get over the attitude of bands like Zeppelin and AC/DC enough to actually give them an open-minded listen, then don't make ignorant-ass posts about them.
The attitude doesn't bother me; songs about rocking and sex and drinking and leaving women are fine. What bothers me is that neither band writes music that I find remotely interesting. I passed through the brief phase almost every guy goes through in seventh grade where AC/DC are the epitome of all that is awesome and then one day I realized that Angus Young's guitar-playing was actually really boring and their music was childish. I don't have a problem with people who like them, although there are a lot of people who wear AC/DC shirts who don't like their music.
All in all, Wrath's a solid album though... they're trying something different here; and while not as good as Sacrament, it's a great album regardless.

I think Contractor is the "killer track," especially the latter half of it.

LoG are an alright band. Like a lot of groups, I think that they occasionally nail a song, but the majority of their material doesn't really engage me. Nowhere near as consistently awesome as, say, Heaven Shall Burn, but they're decent, I hear they put on a great live show, and I'm glad they've found success and popularity.
I think Contractor is the "killer track," especially the latter half of it.

LoG are an alright band. Like a lot of groups, I think that they occasionally nail a song, but the majority of their material doesn't really engage me. Nowhere near as consistently awesome as, say, Heaven Shall Burn, but they're decent, I hear they put on a great live show, and I'm glad they've found success and popularity.

Really, I thought Contractor was the worst track. It was boring as fuck for me... up until 1:40, at which point it got really good. Then back to being shit, not too long after. :erk:
Next thing you know, Thoth will be telling us he's a closet Bon Jovi lover

I loved them back in... um... 86! :lol: I had the Slippery When Wet tape back then... shit I think I still have it! But for the record no I don't like Bon Jovi, though honestly I'd rather listen to gay ass Bon Jovi than any core bands I've heard.
I loved them back in... um... 86! :lol: I had the Slippery When Wet tape back then... shit I think I still have it! But for the record no I don't like Bon Jovi, though honestly I'd rather listen to gay ass Bon Jovi than any core bands I've heard.

Black Flag, Bad Brains, Gorilla Biscuits, Minor Threat, Fugazi, etc.