Controversial opinions on metal

D. Just because a riff is technical or heavy doesn't make it good, but if a riff isn't technical or heavy, it probably sucks

/me np: Dead meadow - [Old Growth #03] What needs must be [0:01 / 4:17] [169 kbps]

Opening riff to this song isn't "heavy" yet it is better than most music ever.
their earlier stuff is more fuzzed out heavier psychedelic rock, great riffs, great chilled out leads, but their last two albums have been more laid back and mellow - Old Growth being their most recent and also my favorite.

From their album Shivering Kings and Others - Good Moanin'

From their album Old Growth - What Needs Must Be
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I don't get what's so great about Victims of Deception, it just sounds like they are trying extremely hard to rip off Metallica's sound.
Oh please, had James Hetfield from the same time sung for them it would've been ten times better.

*EDIT* note that I'm talking about Dave White, I have never heard that other record.
RedInTheSky said:
A. South of Heaven is a weak, boring, lame, album.
B. At least 10 % of bands would go from unlistenable to incredible with a better (or no) singer.
C. Most good Jazz drummers are better than most good Metal drummers.
D. Just because a riff is technical or heavy doesn't make it good, but if a riff isn't technical or heavy, it probably sucks.
E. Bal - Sagoth is one of the greatest bands ever. Just deal with it.
My ignore list is swelling.
Oh please, had James Hetfield from the same time sung for them it would've been ten times better.

*EDIT* note that I'm talking about Dave White, I have never heard that other record.

Both albums have the same vocalist and you're a fucking faggot because he rules and you suck at thrash.