Controversial opinions on metal

Persecution Mania and Agent Orange are ten times better than any Kreator. Kreator do have a few good album under their belt, but a lot of their riffs sound almost identical to Slayer and 80's slayer is musically and production wise superior. Kreator as a band if you look at their disco ranges from really average/generic to terrible.
99% of Grindcore sucks ass, cant think of any good grindcore besides Napalm Death and early Carcass. I've gave it a chance but it just doesnt appeal to me I guess.I prefer Deathcore or Metalcore to Grindcore.
Cheesy Power Metal>>>>>>>>>>>>EVERYTHING. EVER.
Mabye most of it, But there are more Deathcore bands I would rather listen to than most Grindcore I can think of.

Also Cattle Decapitation suck.
I've got a soft spot for Pleasure to Kill as it's the album that pretty much got me into metal, but I think even without that I would take it over Infernal Overkill and In the Sign of Evil. Just slightly though, as all three of those are about equal in terms of quality.
