Controversial opinions on metal

Morbid Angel is the best death metal band.

Not really controversial, also don't know much death metal, but I still think they are the best death metal band.
Is this a joke as well? Or are you seriously being an asshole this time?

He asks me who "people like [himself]" are. He does listen to gay power metal and has some gay opinions with respect to other bands, so that's not a joke, but my first post was a joke. Are you contesting that people don't listen to gay power metal and have gay opinions? Or are you contesting my right to think somebody's opinion is gay?

It's a joke if it's convenient for it to be at the time ;)

Lay off the caffeine or you'll never grow big and strong.
Persecution Mania and Agent Orange are ten times better than any Kreator. Kreator do have a few good album under their belt, but a lot of their riffs sound almost identical to Slayer and 80's slayer is musically and production wise superior. Kreator as a band if you look at their disco ranges from really average/generic to terrible.

This and what Wainds was saying are indeed controversial opinions on metal, regarding Kreator. In fact, Kreater has some really cool albums. My favorites are Pleasure to Kill and Terrible Certainty. Try being in 1986/87 and loving extreme metal and then thinking that PTK is average. You will not be able to. What? So there is Slayer and Destruction and Sodom, so that renders Kreator obsolete? No, indeed it doesn't. I will grant, however, that Infernal Overkill does come as close as any album does to rendering other albums obsolete. But apart from that, Pleasure to Kill was, and still is, a great album.
He asks me who "people like [himself]" are. He does listen to gay power metal and has some gay opinions with respect to other bands, so that's not a joke, but my first post was a joke. Are you contesting that people don't listen to gay power metal and have gay opinions? Or are you contesting my right to think somebody's opinion is gay?

Take it easy bro... I'm just joking with you.
Persecution Mania and Agent Orange are ten times better than any Kreator. Kreator do have a few good album under their belt, but a lot of their riffs sound almost identical to Slayer and 80's slayer is musically and production wise superior. Kreator as a band if you look at their disco ranges from really average/generic to terrible.

Sodom is about as generic as they come. What are probably their two most loved songs (Nuclear Winter and Agent Orange) rip off Slayer's Necrophobic, Megadeth's In My Darkest Hour, and Sacred Reich's Death Squad in a most blatant way. After Obsessed By Cruelty they just became another uninspired trend-following band, albeit one that never followed the mainstream rock trend.

Of course, it doesn't matter since Destruction is better than Kreator and Sodom (and Tankard, Holy Moses, and more) combined.