Controversial opinions on metal

eh, pretty much no. I first heard them in 2005. I don't think it's gonna happen. I can get into a few songs, but I won't end up getting anything. Also, it's weird how pushy people sometimes are about the band (you're not, but you're still sort of like, really confident I'll get into them but I won't :p).
I don't see the big deal with Manilla Road either.
I am not sure how to reply to that.

I wouldn't have anything either...Pedophile joke?

I gotta agree with AchrisK. Kreator is nothing special, and Sodom is better. Although I must make a concession: Destruction is better than Sodom. I've been really listening to Release From Agony, and it kills anything Sodom did. Sodom still rules most though.
While that actually is my opinion, it was also obviously stated so bluntly due to the fact that the person that I was responding to was clearly being dumb and doesn't understand the fact that some people can disagree with him without being "out of their head" for doing so. I'm not surprised that you'd miss that, however, and you didn't disappoint in terms of posting with absolutely no thought or purpose as per your usual quality standards.

I rolled my eyes because it's been beyond obvious you don't care for those genres, which completely invalidates even posting your opinion on it. Who cares if the original poster was "being dumb". You didn't really make that point at all since your post was equally dumb.

I don't care for like 99% of grind, but I don't go around giving my opinion on grind bands since I don't even care about the genre.

It's funny you should talk about me having posts with no purpose, I'm not the person who drops into the threads specifically about music I don't like just to give my oh-so-important opinion.
You obviously have not noticed that the majority of this thread consists of the same few people giving the same opinions over and over again, like Belligerent calling power metal gay and Life Sucks complaining about Led Zeppelin and their lyrics about women.
I'm not sure if I've stated this before in this thread but w/e, Night's Blood has to be the most overrated Dissection song. I mean, It is really good but all other tracks on SOTLB except for soulreaper and most tracks on The Somberlain are better.
I gotta agree with AchrisK. Kreator is nothing special, and Sodom is better. Although I must make a concession: Destruction is better than Sodom. I've been really listening to Release From Agony, and it kills anything Sodom did. Sodom still rules most though.

Actually you're agreeing with Death Delirium and ncfoWainds. I maintain that at least some Kreator was definitely something special. And beyond that, much of it is good and enjoyable.

Sodom has never moved me too much. I like Code Red quite a bit.

But I think we mostly all agree that Destruction - Infernal Overkill is a mighty album. Dare I say even close to Mercyful Fate - Melissa?

EDIT: Why do commas seem good when I first type a sentence, and then upon review most of them seem dumb?
Maybe you forget to use conjunctions?

No, I take out the commas and change nothing else. They seem to indicate my canter (what word means the pauses you make while speaking?) as I am thinking the sentence, but then when I read it, they just make it dumb.

that's one weird ass comparison, but yeah, i like it more than 'melissa'. less than 'don't break the oath', though.

Not really a comparison in styles, but just in metal might! Those are two albums that, to me, are just beyond most other albums in any genre.
I rolled my eyes because it's been beyond obvious you don't care for those genres, which completely invalidates even posting your opinion on it.

Yeah... no. I'm entitled to an opinion on things that I dislike, and only an idiot would ever attempt to argue otherwise.

By your logic, you obviously don't care for Barack Obama, which completely invalidates even posting your opinion on him.
Yeah... no. I'm entitled to an opinion on things that I dislike, and only an idiot would ever attempt to argue otherwise.
It's just that you spend a lot of time and effort on this, as well as mocking others for liking/disliking certain bands.
I mean, sure, it can be fun to play the "internet asshole" from time to time, but doesn't this ever get tiresome? Everything is good in moderation.
I don't really spend any effort on hating specific things. If someone claims that disliking something means that you must be stupid or out of your head and is being entirely serious, I believe that I'm extremely justified in stating my opinion on the matter. I'm pretty sure that the other person would be far more of an asshole than me.
It's just that you spend a lot of time and effort on this, as well as mocking others for liking/disliking certain bands.
I mean, sure, it can be fun to play the "internet asshole" from time to time, but doesn't this ever get tiresome? Everything is good in moderation.

I think Dodens is like the master of "internet asshole". I am constantly amused by his posts, and how people get so riled up by them. Yeah, he probably does it too much, but when you've got a special talent, why not use it? Omni probably aspires to be like Dodens, which may explain this to some degree.
I don't aspire to be like Dodens so much as I consider him to be a friend and kindred spirit in some ways. I wish that people wouldn't act like they knew me prior to me talking to him, since only V5 can make that claim and he's the one who suggested I talk to Dodens in the first place, since he said we're similar. :)