Well, since this is all an internet phenomenon, you have to think about the medium here. It certainy wasn't like this even a few years ago, when the internet was still seen primarily as an information exchange, a way of circulating knowledge - back then the 'online presence' of metal naturally had more or less the same role and spirit as fanzines, so there was nothing wrong with discussing the things one enjoys about the genre ("intellectually" or otherwise) and being passionate or long-winded about it... actually, it was pretty much the norm.
Now, though, most people seem to approach the internet as "social networking", so maybe that's why they're expecting the same level of communication as when they're drunkenly socializing in real life, and - by projection - ridiculously assign social motives ("elitism"/"snobbery") to anything which deviates from that. When you have a social club, you always have an influx of those who just want to belong, and anything which is above the lowest common denominator is a threat to that - so they resort to anti-intellectualism and bleatings of attempted mockery, but it's really just a defense mechanism.
I look at it like this: just allow them to, and they'll transform metal into a microcosm of the same social club for wankers which is "the mainstream" that metal used to shun. That's why if I have to choose between the communication style of Dark Legions Archives and being a youtube comments mongoloid, it'll always be the former.