Controversial opinions on metal

I don't think Manilla Road is super great, but how they fit in with tripe like Edguy and especially Trivium is sort of beyond me.

But yes there is a lot of 'happy' power metal out there that rules and supposedly progressive people who are uncomfortable with others hearing them play something which is non stone-faced music will never really 'get it'.

But no, there is no good deathcore, there is also no point in deathcore, or anything else with a core suffix tbh. It's like naming a woman you find attractive and then saying 'with AIDS'.
eh, pretty much no. I first heard them in 2005. I don't think it's gonna happen. I can get into a few songs, but I won't end up getting anything. Also, it's weird how pushy people sometimes are about the band (you're not, but you're still sort of like, really confident I'll get into them but I won't :p).

Personally I wonder why more people aren't into Running Wild and Stormwitch, but it's probably the same reasons I'm not into Manilla Road, whatever those are. Life sucks.
I generally don't know or don't care about what you talk about, or find your jokes very stupid, so I never find myself speaking to you, although I never noticed until you pointed it out just now. Thanks.
No, when someone is nice to you at one time and it's not a ploy the least you can typically do is not be a complete jerk in an unjustified reactionary sense. However, most people here are aware you are perfectly happy sinking into your own fetid morass with one or two choice other "contributors" to the forum, whom noone is really sure why they or you ever bother posting, so it's not that surprising or shocking in any way.
No, when someone is nice to you at one time and it's not a ploy the least you can typically do is not be a complete jerk in an unjustified reactionary sense.

Now I have absolutely no idea what you're even talking about. This is just making me feel more justified in not really noticing or caring about what you say.
Also, are you sure you don't make all your posts from a comfortable pleather ottoman in Starbucks with your laptop wide open so people can see how hard you're working on your blog, your novella, and your essay all at once with your powerful hard periods, your dry grammar, and your deadpan irony?
Aside from the grammar part, most of that seems to stem from your own personal inability to discern sarcasm and humor from seriousness and your personal assumptions based on your lack of knowledge about me.

Like I already said in that other thread, I don't plan to argue with you about how you think that I'm a bitch for never talking to you. I honestly don't care, even though it's apparently a big deal for you.