Controversial opinions on metal

BTW I don't think I yell at people all that much. I think Omni makes me look worse than I am because we're automatically associated together no matter what apparently. But seriously anyone who likes thrash and thinks Heathen has bad vocals is definitely a faggot, I mean what the fuck that shit doesn't even make sense. Whatever.
Also, people need to stop getting butthurt about Omni and Dodens giving their opinions. I'm tired of people bitching just because the Domni phrases its criticisms more sharply. Obviously I disagree with Omni about brutal death metal but you don't see me whining and saying she shouldn't post her opinion. Methinks some personal dislike is making people take their musical criticism more personally.

I think it has more to do with the fact that they phrase their opinions in a way that suggests that they think they're better than everyone else. I won't argue the fact that both of them possess a wealth of knowledge about several genres of music and verily do have a lot to offer this forum. However, that doesn't change the fact that they're both egomaniacal tyrants and masters at pissing people off.

I hope they take this as a compliment.
But seriously anyone who likes thrash and thinks Heathen has bad vocals is definitely a faggot, I mean what the fuck that shit doesn't even make sense. Whatever.

The Heathen guy would have been better suited in some third-rate Queensryche clone band like Hittman. Thrash vocals are supposed to carry large amounts of testicular fortitude, not mainstream limp-wristedness for pop-thrash listening posers.

EDIT: Though the vocals on their own aren't bad, of course.
You should write reviews...
Nah, tried it. I'm not very good at that. That's no false modesty either. It's super easy to come up with stuff like that, but it gives little to no description of the actual music.

And that "realms of spiritual refreshment" expression is totally not mine. That's all "no country's" invention, I think. I just found it amusing enough to include there. :) The others were just easy to come up with by association.
Ah, those wretched double standards. An obscure act has got to be better than an aesthetically similar popular band.

they're not even that aesthetically similar tbh, it's kind of a stupid (though common) comparison. needless to say sacramentum shits all over dissection from a monumental height though, irrespective of similarity.
I don't get why people say Nile are lame and/or generic. Probably because I started with In Their Darkened Shrines, though. Ithyphallic, Black Seeds, and Annihilation of the Wicked aren't all that distinctive (or good tbh), but In Their Darkened Shrines is a fucking masterpiece imo, as well as being pretty unique. Amongst The Catacombs is pretty cool as well.
I've never listened to that one but every experience I've had with Nile has left me nonplussed. It's like they want to be brutal but only take one step into it instead of embracing it all the way. I can see how noobs may like this but as a person with a lot of experience with the brutal side of death metal they are just not as good as most bands. In a way they are to brutal death what Opeth or In Flames are to death metal as a whole.
The Heathen guy would have been better suited in some third-rate Queensryche clone band like Hittman. Thrash vocals are supposed to carry large amounts of testicular fortitude, not mainstream limp-wristedness for pop-thrash listening posers.

EDIT: Though the vocals on their own aren't bad, of course.

I've only heard Black Seeds and the hits compilation (Legacy of the Catacombs or whatever it's called.)

I only liked a couple of songs from the hits compilation. I love Black Seeds though, as a whole.
Nah, tried it. I'm not very good at that. That's no false modesty either. It's super easy to come up with stuff like that, but it gives little to no description of the actual music.

And that "realms of spiritual refreshment" expression is totally not mine. That's all "no country's" invention, I think. I just found it amusing enough to include there. :) The others were just easy to come up with by association.

I knew your description wasn't serious, but it sounded keen. I wasn't really being serious, though neither am I now saying I DON'T think you could write reviews.

I did some reviews a while back, and was OK at it, but found that it took me forever to formulate my descriptions, and I felt somehow generally unqualified to be doing it.
I can't imagine somebody who likes Apocalypse Inside finding Victims of Deception boring, kind of mind-boggling really, as I consider that album to be the apex of boring thrash and a tragedy from such an excellent band.

I can't imagine somebody who likes Apocalypse Inside finding Victims of Deception boring, kind of mind-boggling really, as I consider that album to be the apex of boring thrash and a tragedy from such an excellent band.


Apoclypse Inside is awesome! It would be nice of you could hear it without having heard the other Sacrifice albums first (I am making an assumption here). While it may not be as thrashy or heavy or even as Sacrifice as their other albums, it has very enjoyable, unique and well written songs.

Victims IS boring! It threatens to offer some good thrash, but continually fails to deliver. Many of the songs are like an example of how to fail at writing good songs. That album is a study of teasing the listener with something appealing, and then abandoning that in favor of Dream Theateresque ballad drivel.