Controversial opinions on metal

personally when i call someone's dislikes superficial, i mean that with a bit of experience and effort they'd no longer apply, for example most people who initially dislike black metal solely 'cause of the harsh vocals will usually end up liking black metal. a lot of criticisms levelled at bands for their vocals seem to be superficial in this way, i also agree with v5 that vocals aren't a superficial element in themselves though.
personally when i call someone's dislikes superficial, i mean that with a bit of experience and effort they'd no longer apply, for example most people who initially dislike black metal solely 'cause of the harsh vocals will usually end up liking black metal. a lot of criticisms levelled at bands for their vocals seem to be superficial in this way, i also agree with v5 that vocals aren't a superficial element in themselves though.

I was thinking of starting a thread on the importance of vocals actually. I noticed that I love instrumental passages, but regardless at some point I want to hear vocals. And they can add to or take away from intensity...especially in bands where no one is actually singing (black metal/death metal, etc). I could not listen to a slam band without guttural vocals.
A well thought out pop metal album against a last minute traditional-gone-pop-gone-epic metal album. At least one of them makes sense.
As an album it doesn't work but there are a bunch of cool songs. I love Leather Rebel.

I just listened to Cryptopsy's debut and it wasn't particularly impressive.