Creepiness Och Terrorism
I feel Iron Maiden are overrated, I don't see anything THAT special in their music comparing to what was around in that area (maybe they have great performances).
I've always been pretty damn partial to Follow the Reaper tbh. Swampsong and Swamplord by Kalmah are cool though.
You've obviously never given IMAGES AND WORDS a chance.
I find Maiden to be catchy. They have some good riffs.
And I am prepared for an enormous amount of flaming for this:
Dance of Death is my favourite IM album.
Dance of Death would be a fucking classic if not for the cover art. I like the newer albums more than some of the older albums like Killers (which I think is nothing but filler except for 4 songs)
Fair enough brah.
I fucking love a lot of the single songs on Swampsong...Cloned Insanity has one of the coolest keyboard sections later in the song after a cool breakdown, even has kind of a nice classic rock-y/psychedelic rock feel. Burbot's Revenge is catchy as hell too.
Yeah, the first three Bodom records are really excellent, but TBW is just so fucking amazing. I almost came the first time I heard the record.