If I downplayed my initial post with what I truly meant, then that would have defeated the entire point of the post to begin with. It's called shock value. I do this all the time. You surely have noticed this by now, even if you misinterpret it as backpedaling. My initial posts are intended to make the people who know to take it in jest laugh and to piss the people off who don't know better, and then my follow up posts more acutely explain my real position. I've always done this and I always will do this because it amuses me.
Also, I'm basically fully aware that pretty much everybody will take my prior post as completely elitist, so there's really not much point in me trying to rebut that much further. But like common sense should be able to tell anyone, obviously I feel that the music that I choose to listen to is better than the music that other people choose to listen to. And common sense will also tell you that people who listen to a lot of music that I don't listen to or care for that I not only don't like but feel doesn't represent that qualities that I look for in a given style of music I will value even lower, as will this person feel about my own tastes. But, again, as I said in the Wintersun thread, the fact that I don't like somebody else's taste in music has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not I feel superior to them, and the very notion is ridiculous.