Controversial opinions on metal

Lemmy is a terrible singer, but a great vocalist. It fits the music. And agreed with Dakryn: Once you've heard a song you've heard 'em all.

AC/DC is one of the bands on my hate list. I hate them.
Controversial opinion: the majority of the people on this forum don't understand what metal is all about.
Please enlighten the majority of the forum then Dodens, since that statement presupposes that you do understand what metal is all about.

Edit: Post jump.


Actually, I should edit my post so that it reads "what metal was all about," though I could also argue that what metal was about is always what it will be about and that the bands that deviate from that are not showcasing the qualities that were intended to define metal, which is in fact my entire point, so I won't edit it.

Maybe I will actually expand upon this one day, but my point is this; a lot of people, perhaps the majority of people, who get into metal these days tend to do so from more modern bands and in response to different motivations that others have in the past. It seems as though this attracts different kinds of people to the genre that would normally not have gotten into metal, and this is reflected in the fact that a lot of more recent fans tend to look at the 70s and 80s with an ironic sense or simply a disinterested lack of appreciation. In this sense, I don't think that a lot of more recent fans ever come into contact with what could be seen as the essence of the genre, or if they do, they don't care for it. This is not meant in an elitist sense of division between 'those who get it' and 'those who don't.' What I'm simply saying is that newer fans have evidently tapped into a stream of consciousness that has gradually developed within metal that somewhat significantly departs from its origins, and in my opinion departs in such a way that makes it alien to the qualities that I identify with the genre. What I'm implying is merely difference, not superiority.
Dodens, so many times on this forum u say something completely douchey and when people react (what a surprise!) you try to play it down and deny your elitism. TBH it's kind of pathetic. Stick with your convictions, stop being a bi-polar troll and a pussy!
If I downplayed my initial post with what I truly meant, then that would have defeated the entire point of the post to begin with. It's called shock value. I do this all the time. You surely have noticed this by now, even if you misinterpret it as backpedaling. My initial posts are intended to make the people who know to take it in jest laugh and to piss the people off who don't know better, and then my follow up posts more acutely explain my real position. I've always done this and I always will do this because it amuses me.

Also, I'm basically fully aware that pretty much everybody will take my prior post as completely elitist, so there's really not much point in me trying to rebut that much further. But like common sense should be able to tell anyone, obviously I feel that the music that I choose to listen to is better than the music that other people choose to listen to. And common sense will also tell you that people who listen to a lot of music that I don't listen to or care for that I not only don't like but feel doesn't represent that qualities that I look for in a given style of music I will value even lower, as will this person feel about my own tastes. But, again, as I said in the Wintersun thread, the fact that I don't like somebody else's taste in music has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not I feel superior to them, and the very notion is ridiculous.
I've always done this and I always will do this because it amuses me.

Being douchey always amuses a douche.

But, again, as I said in the Wintersun thread, the fact that I don't like somebody else's taste in music has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not I feel superior to them, and the very notion is ridiculous.

You say this, but everything else you say screams the opposite.

As far as your point about departure and lack of appreciation of the origins of metal by newer fans, I understand your position, but I think that sentiment gets used as a blanket to protect some really bland music just because it was a forerunner.

Just because something was among the "firsts" doesn't automatically make it good. Whether this is your stance or not, your arguement is used by people who think that being first makes you good by default.
I think that metal is music and art anyone can enjoy, and we are all here because we do.

I also think that the idea that metal was once some divine form of art that has gradually become tainted is fucking dumb.
and world peace, and I can bake cakes and I'm not a dumb blonde because I'm not really blonde and people, such as, south africa, help them such as.
Why the fuck does everyone insist one taking themselves so fucking seriously when discussing musical preference? Honestly, a friend has asked me both on the internet and in real life what I think of a band like Norther, and my response was something along the lines of "retarded homosexual bullshit" in both instances. After he said something about how I reject anything with polished production or mainstream value, I called him a retarded my pals and said that he doesn't understand quality music. Me and the said friend didn't verbally or physically duke it out after that, we just poked fun at each other and continued talking about the latest episode of South Park.

I don't accuse anyone of being a horrible person anytime they belittle some bestial black metal band I like with retarded "gr1m/kvlt/tr00/etc." internet meme bullshit, I just accept the fact that they don't understand the music and move on. More people on the internet who like shitty music should follow suit.