Controversial opinions on metal

Sorry, I don't give a shit about you enough as a poster to know when you're being sarcastic, forgive me.

More reasons:
Cynic doesn't sound good to me. I presented my opinion. If you think I stated it as fact or was trying to pass it off as fact, you're a dumbass. In addition, Cynic is gay and you should feel bad for liking them.
"Cynic is gay" How wonderfully articulate, that's really a great way to a win a debate isn't it? you're destined to be a future politcian with debating skills such as accusing a band of being homosexual... also the guy lauding Cynic's demo's and then blasting Focus only confirms my theory that most of the the dudes who bash Cynic are the stereotypical metalhead who insist on throwing the horns, screaming Slayer and dismissing anything that either a.)has influence from outside of metal or b.)can't listen to music unless they can band their head to it.
cynic is pretty gay

the cure were fucking amazing once and put out arguably the bleakest rock album ever recorded but i'm guessing you guys are talking about their gayer faggy shit so
Actually, most people here seem to have rather diverse tastes in Metal/music in general.

Diverse in metal, though I would say diverse musical tastes in general would be going a little far, looking at most last.fms. I mean I listen to a few folk, blues, prog rock, and post rock artists, but since I listen to metal like 70-80% of the time, I wouldn't consider my tastes terribly diverse.
Megadeth were good like, but both times Dave just stood there and completely ignored the crowd. That stopped being cool a long time ago. The bassist is really eager to please, though.

I don't really get why people whine about this type of thing so much.

I mean if it was Crucified Barbara, it would be lovely if they pointed me out in the crowd and motioned that I need to look like I'm enjoying myself more. If they talked to the croud a lot too, that would be cool.

But Dave freakin mustaine isn't a pretty swedish girl.
I know they're widely loathed on here, but i like Arch Enemy, and i think the new album of re-released tracks is pretty decent. Will be adding this one to my collection.
"Cynic is gay" How wonderfully articulate, that's really a great way to a win a debate isn't it? you're destined to be a future politcian with debating skills such as accusing a band of being homosexual... also the guy lauding Cynic's demo's and then blasting Focus only confirms my theory that most of the the dudes who bash Cynic are the stereotypical metalhead who insist on throwing the horns, screaming Slayer and dismissing anything that either a.)has influence from outside of metal or b.)can't listen to music unless they can band their head to it.

Go listen to some jazz and feel important.
I still haven't recovered from the shock that is The Cure, how the hell can any metalhead even remotely suggest that The Cure are even as much as tolerable!?!

I hate being an elitist pig, but that is seriously fucking crossing the line three times over!
I still haven't recovered from the shock that is The Cure, how the hell can any metalhead even remotely suggest that The Cure are even as much as tolerable!?!

I hate being an elitist pig, but that is seriously fucking crossing the line three times over!

i can personally guarantee the cure were at one time more *metal* in spirit than 99% of the shit you listen to.

serious question: why do you still post here?
There's a difference between playing a show to a crowd and playing a series of songs while other people are present. Megadeth do the latter.

I've read reviews of shows I've been to where the band 'allegedly' did that and I just thought they put on a good show.

I don't want them to fucking sit down on deckchairs and talk about how the extension and new garage on their place in AZ is going. FFS.
i can personally guarantee the cure were at one time more *metal* in spirit than 99% of the shit you listen to.

serious question: why do you still post here?

Yeah you're right..if I was listening to shit like Nickelback and Creed

Listen, stop embarrassing yourself by trying to promote them as metal in spirit..these guys were once a gothrock band with minor punk influences..that's it, they still sucked dick, they had a fag image and they sure as hell weren't metal in spirit! To even suggest that is just ludicrous

And I still post here because I like discussing METAL,

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, this thread is called "Controversial opinions on metal", if you can't handle the fact that someone is bashing on your favorite band then maybe you're the one that shouldn't be posting here