Controversial opinions on metal

My controversial opinion, even though it isn't really a proper one, is that I'm actually usually not in the mood for real extreme metal and most of my metal listening involves some variation of tradition/doom/heavy or power metal. It's not that I find much extreme metal too heavy or I can't get into it, it's just I comparatively rarely feel like putting some on. I mean maybe once a week as opposed to listening to the other genres I listed nearly every day.
I'm pretty much the opposite of this, to be honest. I love traditional and doom metal, but I listen to thrash or death metal about 90% of the time.
Hmm... right when I was first getting into metal, extreme metal was the majority of what I listened to. Now it's rare that I listen to any. I think right now it's been over a month, maybe two...
I started with death metal... I still love death metal... I love the extreme stuff.... but I bounce around pretty erratically.. going from slam death metal to symphonic black metal to traditional doom all in the same night.

I will say the only metal I tend to like with clean vox is Doom.
I think Meshuggah has downright annoying vocals and sometimes pretty cool instrumentation. However, despite their instrumentation being kinda cool, I would still say they're too much of one-trick ponies for me to care enough to get over the god awful yells. Thus, I dislike them.
Meshuggah is traincore.


I think Meshuggah has downright annoying vocals and sometimes pretty cool instrumentation. However, despite their instrumentation being kinda cool, I would still say they're too much of one-trick ponies for me to care enough to get over the god awful yells. Thus, I dislike them.

I agree on the vocals. They get really old, really fast.
I'm sorry, but I just fucking love them. I honestly think their rhythmic riffs are infectiously catchy. Vocals don't bother me, their whole atmosphere is built around sounding inhuman, post-apocalyptic, and robotic. There one of those bands thats great in small doses, and I can really listen to them at any time during the year, which can't be said for a lot of other music (stuff like black and doom only clicks in fall and winter, etc.)
New opinion: Extreme metal bands should not be allowed to have keyboardists as members. They can use some keys on their albums, but no keyboardists as full time members. 99% of the time the results are just fucking gay.

Listen to Dan Swano's "Moontower" and tell me the same thing...


Zaroff: The only black metal I can listen to during warmer months is thrashier kind of stuff like Absu or Melechesh.