Controversial opinions on metal

Why I agree Omni, King Diamond is even the band that together with Dio has shaped my whole value system on heavy metal. However they still have a weakest point just like everything else, which isn't to say that that point is bad.
I understand what you're trying to say, but your opinion is still nonsensical because of how awesome his vocals are and how perfectly they suit his lyrics and the music played by the band. No other singer would work better.
I don't think we're still talking about this, but I just want to say that I really hate Disturbed, and Draiman is the main cause of that.
Give me any of the vocalists that guy mentioned over Draiman. In fact, give me the sound of dying puppies over Draiman.
If that first song wasn't a minute long it could have been really good. On the subject of "false metal" bands doing decent stuff, I must say that Disturbed's Ten Thousand Fists utterly rapes every fairy-assed Kamelot/Wintersun/Bal-Sagoth symphonic/progressive faggot metal band.

Disturbed (ANY Disturbed) is for faggots and queers.

Wintersun and Bal-Sagoth are anything but great.

Can't vouch for Bal-Sagoth but Wintersun is a pretty cool band.

lol at the guy who was defending Wintersun against Disturbed. Disturbed isn't good but Wintersun is laughably bad.

I don't think things are working out </3 :(

That's not Ten Thousand Fists fucktard.

It's not brilliant, but the vocals aren't fairyland, there's no bullshit omnipresent neoclassical keyboard wankery, the songs are short and efficiently written, and it actually has riffs. Same goes for Avenged Sevenfold's City of God. Both of those albums are much closer to "true" metal than all the ambient blackened symphonic progressive pretentious crap that is accepted these days.

watch the dancing fry


Homies just hatin' on Disturbed cause they think their cool. Disturbed is never a bad listen bro.

Disturbed (much like 50 Cent, Akon, and other ghetto music) is ALWAYS a bad listen. ;)

This will over-whelmingly be called "wrong" not controversial but:

I would much rather listen to Draiman all day (even the annoying monkey grunts) than listen to Halford, Ozzy, King Diamond, Dave Mustaine, or Dio for one song.

This is purely referencing the vocalists, not their respective band's talent.

I don't like Halford (tone-deaf, nails on a chalkboard bastard) and Dave Mustaine, but Draiman sounds like a man took a shit on a baboon's chest while yelling a grocery list at his mother on the 4th of July.

Too much praise is given specifically to Sabbath/(Priest) vocalists just because of the band's place in history. Saying anything bad about them attacks a sentimental aspect of most metalhead memories of listening to either band

Praise is given to Sabbath and their singers because (with the exception of Martin and Glenn Hughes), the band and their singers are all good. Has nothing to do with history or sentiment. Not liking Ozzy's/Dio's (at least Dio's PAST) vocals are just retarded.

tl;dr version: lot of faggotry in this thread recently.
It's in the good cheesy gay, though, as opposed to the "still-in-the-closet, I'm-gonna-try-and-pretend-I'm-straight" kinda gay.
Draiman sounds like a man took a shit on a baboon's chest while yelling a grocery list at his mother on the 4th of July.

Instead of calling everyone else a faggot, why don't you stop being such a fucking homo with your terrible "witty" jokes that you have been posting lately..

no really, they aren't funny at all, you just write the most random shit that you can think of and think you are're not